Chapter 2

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The tall thick man smiled as he slammed his knife repeatedly into the table. His muscles ripped from his body. A scar ran down his face, across his right eye, over his nose and down his cheek, reaching the end of his chin. His grey eyes, showed vehemence like an angered wolf. The tribal tattoo across his arm marked him as an assassin of Ka-Kadocsh.

"So you're telling me, Kane Reuben is gone? Or are you telling me he is dead?" The figure chuckled.

"Mr. Issachar, I'm telling you we don't know. Aaron Gold had told me there was a possibility he was dead. And if by any chance he survived, the time machine that he would die in days." The henchman replied.

"So he's dead?" The tall bulky man replied.

"No exactly, there is one last theory. That he survives against all odds, and changes the future, how catastrophic, or insignificant, can be argued."

The bulky man sighed, "So you're telling me I have to use Mr. Gold's machine to go kill Kane myself?"

"Well, sir. Gold never did agree to kill Kane." The henchman trembled.

"Well, that's too bad, because now I have to kill Gold too. Tell Mr. Gold to finish with his Transporter, so I can get back after I kill Kane, after all, we're like brothers."

"Yes Sir." The henchmen said pulling up is circular glasses.

"Oh, and Haven, come back with definite answers next time." Issachar said.

"Of course Sir," Haven replied, rubbing his short, blonde hair with worry.

Issachar smiled as he walked away from the circler table, retrieving his knife. He had a history with Kane Reuben, one that wouldn't just fade over tea. Kane had ruined his reputation once, and now he would pay. Kane would die, by his hand that was a certainty.

"Would you like another drink?" the bar tender asked, as Issachar passed by.

"No, I have business to attend to."

"You sure Abel, this one's on the house." The bar tender tempted.

"Richard, it's Mr. Issachar, remember that." Abel Issachar said taking the glass as he exited the bar.

Abel watched as the door slide back down behind him. He waited as his ride swopped by. The hover car was a perfect invention, removing gasoline from cars, and the need for tires. No more trouble on the road. The Galactic Alliance had ruled that traffic would continue on the ground, to prevent air chaos. Abel smiled as he saw his reflection against the black vehicle.

Abel put on his black trench-coat, as the dark, night sky loomed over head. Three moons were in sight, one red, white, and yellow, all just rocks orbiting Ka-Kadocsh. Even in the city, the cool breeze was felt and fresh air smelt. It was perfect, the atmosphere, and the gravity of this planet, made men stronger, tougher, and over all harder to kill. This was home to Abel Issachar and no other planet in the Galaxy would do.

The black tinted window rolled down as Abel's driver looked at him. Abel opened the car door and swung his body inside. The grey leather seats felt comfortable around Abel's giant legs. Abel took a deep breath; he loved the smell of car.

"Were to now, sir?" The driver asked.

"Home, I have a hunt to prepare."

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