Chapter 5

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Kane hiked behind the fair dark women, through the mountain range, the soft snow, melting in their hair. The dark sky had started to brighten, the sun off in the distance. Kane had been gifted the armor of the warriors of Delega. Over his chest laid an orange jerkin and black stained chain mail. Around his waist he wore belts keeping his butcher blade in place on his lower back. Leather gauntlets were tight around his forearms joined by thick and tight leather boots over his shin and foot. It was light wait armor, allowing for quick maneuvers in battle and warmth during the winter seasons.

"We don't distance too far from Delega's tomb now, just over the hill." Eliba announced.

Kane just kept moving, giving Eliba no satisfaction of his acknowledgement. Kane wasn't exactly sure what to expect, could such a spirit, be powerful enough to come back and speak to the living? If such a thing was possible how was it done? Kane just couldn't answer the questions with science, only with one answer, magic. This world was different, were science was the priority in his world, magic seemed to make this one. What would be the end result if these worlds collided?

Kane glanced back, shortly, as Eliba took a step to the top of the mountain. It was much cooler, much more roman. Kane couldn't explain what he felt, around the mountain's top, but it was an essence of honor, and valor. The ancient mountain gave him renewed vigor. Kane concluded somethings in the world are just unexplainable.

Eliba brushed the snow of the side of the mountain peak, pointing high into the air. She glanced slowly, as she spoke soft words. Blue symbols seemed to glow, with a marvelous light, but much more different then a man made light bulb. Eliba took five good steps back, as the rock wall seemed to shift. Suddenly the wall sunk into the ground, and a stone path was revealed into the dark tomb.

"Here we are." Eliba said a smile around her face.

Kane fallowed as Eliba entered the dark tomb. The walls on the interior were carved to a nice, smooth, arc surface. The path they followed was concreated stone, light by torch light. As the continued down the path, the torches light spontaneously. Kane couldn't help but feel as if trouble was coming.

Eliba dropped her torch to the floor as a giant room was light up. The spaces room held water on the floor, going deeper as the stairs traveled lower. Across from the pool of water, was a black tomb stone, and a sword shoved into dirt of surrounding it. The water slowly drained as Eliba took a step forward, motioning for Kane to follow.

They walked further down the wet stone stairs and across the wet pathway, until they reached the tomb.

"Alright, Delega, I come before thee, Judge me to see if I be worthy to lead your hall of warriors." Eliba shouted, as she placed her hand upon the sword.

A voice echoed with in the cave, "Eliba, daughter of Gaive, and Avy. I judge ye. Kneel before my blade."

"I do as thy command Delega." Eliba said, kneeling before Delega's sword.

"Ahhhh, Eliba, you are unworthy of such a position, and all in your company as well." The voice boomed.

"But we took back the Hall, under my command! Why be I unworthy?" Eliba pleaded.

"You were the one who lost my sacred hall in the first place, from this day on; you are Eliba the Outcast, because of your weakness. I cast thee out from among me, and disown you a daughter of Delega. As for you, wanderer step forth, and place your hand upon my blade!" The voice of Delega called.

Guardian: #1 Spell BoundTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon