Chapter 13

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Abel had waited long enough, providing an extra two weeks for Aaron Gold to complete the job. He knew what had to be done, even if it halted his progress into reach back in time. It was time, once more to pay Mr. Gold a life or death visit. Mr. Gold was very unlikely to survive this visit. But first he had to finish the current job he had taken.

The fist flew through the air smacking against Abel Issachar's cheek, splitting his lip. Abel closed his eyes, and cracked his head as felt his split lip with his tongue. He smiled back at his perpetrator.

"Not to make you angry, because believe me I love my face, and would hate another punch, but I can't really feel it." Abel laughed, soon stopped by another punch.

"I caught one of the greatest assassin's in the universe, and he's laughing. You're lucky a war is going on and we need you." The man in the yellow uniform stated.

"General, this was an order; you think I wanted to be here? I have an appointment, actually had, it's been a couple weeks over, because I had to deal with you." Abel sighed.

"Yeah, and you just normally get caught? What kind of sick people are you that find enjoyment being beaten in a chair, cuffed to the metal piece of trash?" The older gentlemen stated.

"Trust me, when I say I'm on top of this." Abel said widening his eyes.

"Are you serious? You're locked inside a concrete room, with an energy shield I'm about to turn back on, for you to sit and think about your next answer." The general said.

"Look, you buffalo." Able started, with another smack in the face.

"My name is General Cohn, say it right next time." The general stated,

Abel flexed his jaw, "You're lucky I need you back alive."

"I'm lucky, you need me?" The general scoffed.

"Yes, because we were having troubles locating you, they sent me in. If mother hadn't sent me, then I probably wouldn't be here, and I would have been at my appointment." Abel said frowning.

"Yeah right," the general said, placing his hand one a sensor, turning the force field on around his prisoner.

Abel watched the heavy set man walk out of the room, the energy door exhaling knowing what was to come next. He opened his eyes once more, and popped his shoulder out of place so his mouth could reach it. He licked his lips, before digging his teeth into his own flesh. Pulling out from the gruesome mess was a small chip in his mouth. Slowly he dropped the small chip into his hand cuffed hand, catching it in seconds. As he tapped a small button on the bottom of the chip, a small pick flung out from the square figure. Abel smiled as he picked the locked handcuffs off his hands, and continued to do the same around his feet.

The energy field seemed nearly impossible to get around, but Abel had the tool he needed. Abel looked at the little chip covered in his blood, throwing it into the energy force field. The force field over charged as the chip fell to the ground; Abel knew the second step was to simply wait. The tall, bulky, and tanned man waited back against the wall, with one good arm, ready for an assault.

The general walked into the room, hands raising a slight inch, as he was completely confused, with what he saw. In the view of the white tiled floor, was an empty steel chair. For the general that was the last thing he saw, as the massive hit came at the back of his neck, Abel smirk. This was all too easy. Abel through the heavy set man over his shoulders as he jogged through the corridors, that Abel had counted. He was blindfolded when they took him in, but he had mentally noted the time before taking a right or left through the halls.

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