Chapter 7

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Aaron Gold sat down snuggling himself into his couch. His white pajama slacks around his body. He picked up the buttons flipping on the TV, watching the latest soap-opera. Daniel's Retreat, was a classic, in Aaron's book, it came on every Friday night at six. The billionaire cracked open a beer as he took a slow sip.

His feet moved slowly across his nice white rug. His brown eyes relaxed as he leaned his arms over his black couch. His face showed signs of a beard growing, he had forgotten to shave that morning, and told himself he would do it tomorrow. The man licked his lips as he turned the TV's volume up. He took another sip of his beer as his phone rang. He took a close look, before turning his head, back to the TV screen.

"Mr. Gold, a man named Abel Issachar his here to see you," The receptionist said, behind Mr. Gold.

"Tell him I'm busy. And Leica, aren't you supposed to be at the front desk? Mr. Gold inquired tilting his head, but not letting his eyes, leave the screen.

"I am sir. But situation calls for this." The receptionist replied.

"And what the heeee..." Mr. Gold stopped glancing back to find a tall and bulky man holding a gun to Leica's head.

"You can go now sweet heart." The Polynesian colored man said, releasing the women from his grasp.

The man had a scar running down his right eye, across his nose at an angle, until it suddenly ran a straight line to his jaw line. His grey eyes showed amusement, as he adjusted his stance. His muscles seemed to rip from his body, with the black tank top. A tribal tattoo ran down his arm, marking him as an assassin of Ka-Kadocsh. Mr. Gold slowly got up out of his seat, moving his head to the side, looking at the assassin with the corner of his eyes.

"No, you know me, just not my face. You met with my... associate." Abel replied smiling, "I' m Abel Issachar.

"I don't suppose this is about the time reactor?" Aaron said, lowering his head, with squinted eyes.

The harmless looking man smiled even wider, "So you know why I'm here?"

"Look, Mr. Issachar, I've only had a week to work on the thing. Your employer should be happy, even if Kane Reuben isn't dead; he's out of his hair." Mr. Gold replied.

Abel's face went slack, and dark in seconds, "This is more of a personal vendetta."

"Look, I don't know what you have against the man, but is it really so important that you couldn't give me at least a month to work on it?" Aaron said.

Abel laughed, "You just don't understand."

Aaron sat quietly as the man paused.

"He killed my brother!" Abel yelled, "He was one of us! He betrayed us! It not so petty is it."

"I never said it was petty." Aaron said, holding his hands up, for protection.

Abel took a step forward, kicking the sofa over, as Mr. Gold flew down, hitting the floor. Aaron starred up, looking the anger man's face. Abel tightened his jaw, lifting the worm by his throat. Mr. Gold was just that, a worm, at least to hardened assassin.

"You know how we trained?" Abel said slamming Aaron against the nice glass windows, "Hmm?"

"I only heard rumors." Aaron coughed.

"Their true, they beat little boys to death, those lucky to survive get names." Abel said.

"I just need a little more time!" Aaron choked out.

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