Chapter 16

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The rustic knight walked slowly down the path to the small cottage. The stone arc had moss and vines growing to reach the ground. The abandoned house was nothing more than an illusion; there were greater things within, if only the Iron Knight was spell worthy. He sunk his claymore into the ground. The knight folded his arms, metal sliding against metal, as he stood think of a way in.

Yaguil looked through his castles window, watching the rustic figure fold his arms. The claymore jammed in the ground. Yaguil had been around for over a millennium, sense the dawn of time, and he knew that this knight now sought his life. It was at this time where Yaguil cursed himself, knowing the spell he cast upon the armor was a mistake, armor invulnerable and impervious to all his spells on hand. He only hoped his messenger had made it to the right ears, without the blade of proficy the wizard's life was in parole, he was nothing more than a sitting duck waiting for the leopard.

Senyela glanced back looking at Kane as he tossed his chainmail over his shirt, he seemed to take his time armoring up.

"Have ye slept yet?" Senyela inquired.

"No, I'll sleep when I have time, right now, I don't have time." Kane replied.

"No wonder ye're sluggish, it took thee three minutes to throw your chain mail on."

"And my shirt and short sword," Kane said turning around.

Senyela glared at Kane, with disbelief of his argument, "Ye need to sleep or ye will be slow and useless in the impending battle."

"Not all of us have a luxury of rest. I have matters to attend to, and people to protect." Kane replied.

"Ye have someone in thine life?"

"Yes, a girl, who seems to become ever more like a daughter to me, I'm just old enough to be her father."

"And how old are ye?"

"Thirty-eight," Kane replied, opening the door for the damsel.

"And who else is in need of thine protection?"

"You, until you've fully recovered."

"Should I be flattered or insulted?" Senyela said in shock.

"I would hope that you felt neither, I rather not encourage either."

Senyela leaned closer to the man; her nose inches away from his chin, "And why is that?"

"Because I rather not endanger the people around me, especially the ones I care about." Kane replied turning away, as he walked through the door.

Senyela titled her head, before following the man down the steps and to the serving area. Men were drinking early in the morning, an employing take the shift for the owner, it couldn't have been latter than three in the morning, when Kane had woke Senyela, and it had only been fifteen more minutes sense then. Kane walked forward the boards creaking as he moved quickly. He placed his hand on the black beggar's white, torn clothes. The man instantly leaped, almost socking Kane in the jaw, as the rugged man moved his head back just in the nick of time.

"Enh, uh, what!" the man moaned.

"Take these." Kane replied, dropping the a few silver pieces into the beggar's pocket.

Senyela opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out, as Kane kept moving forward. She wanted to confront him about the last thing he had said, but was afraid to. She had felt a connection to Kane Reuben on the day they met, the way he had stood up for her stuck with her to this day. She didn't like it, she didn't want this, and she tried to lie to herself that she didn't admire Kane. She had feelings for the man, whether she liked it or not, she couldn't help but try and get closer to the man and the same seemed to be true for him. Kiilla Senyela just didn't understand why Kane tried so hard to push her away. One moment she was the only one he wished to talk to, which was a lot for the man of few words, and the other moment, he was trying to keep her at arm's length for whatever reason. Senyela hated herself for even thinking of the topic, but couldn't help it.

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