Chapter 8

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Kane looked back at Yalin, as she wowed at the giant Iron Gate. Two men stood guard as the man and woman stepped forward. The stone path was paved down three hundred feet back, until turning to a dirt road. The massive stone wall was as thick as two houses, and as tall as a small Sky scraper. Kane couldn't help but be thankful to be at the city, even with its technological lack.

"Halt in the name of the king. State your business traveler." A man stated raising his hand.

"I am Vance Alston, and this is my, sister, Azura Alston." Kane answered, as Yalin smiled, "We simply are looking for a place to settle down."

"I understand, and it seems you carry weapons as well. I'll keep an eye on you, if you don't keep those things sheathed inside the wall. Understood?" The knight replied.

"Very much so,"

"Open the gate, they're settlers!" The knight shouted out.

The man glanced back at the two new comers, "You'll be wanting to speak with Baron Ile about a house."

"Thank you." Kane replied.

Suddenly the iron gates opened as Kane walked forward, Yalin fallowing close behind him. The thick wall gave the girl a feeling of safety, not even in her own home world did she have a wall this thick; not that it was needed with force fields to protect them. The houses were spaced half an acre apart, with wooden exterior and thick hay over wood for roofing. Each house hold had its own stone chimney, as smoke could be seen leaving a few. The road way was smooth finished with slate stone for the surface. There was little breeze inside the walls, but it was a small price to pay for safety. Kane knew the priority now; he needed to earn some coin, so he could by a house.

Kane glanced at the knight patrolling the stone road, tilting his head to speak, "Can you help me find the Baron?"

"Which one," the man replied back, stopping in his tracks.

"Baron Ile," Kane answered.

"Sure thing citizen, follow me."

Kane followed the knight taking a few rights and a few lefts, until they made it to a small court house a few acres away from the king's royal palace. The building Kane and Yalin saw, was the size of a mansion, stone covering the bottom of the building until about five yards up, where wood showed. Kane walked up the steps, ushering Yalin along with him. The knight nodded as they were inches from the door, and then walked away.

A man situated by the door placed his hand up against Kane's chest, halting his progress. Kane's muscle memory almost, started a scene, as he grabbed the body guard's arm. Kane quickly let go, taking a step back.

"I apologize, I've fought in a few wars, and it's become instinct." Kane said, trying to convince the body guard.

"I understand the young deal hardly with war. Before I let you in, you must give me your name and business."

"I am Vance Alston, and this is my sister," Kane replied, "I come here for two matters of business. I would like to find a job, and perches a house."

The man gave an approving nod, "I assume you are new in the kingdom of Avalon?"

"Very much so," Kane replied.

"Well, Mr. Alston, the baron is quite busy, but seeing as ye are I need of shelter, I will allow ye in, but be wary of your words, for the baron is known for his temper."

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