Chapter 10

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Kane walked into the sweet aroma. The chapel swarmed with women and the sick, some wounded with minor scrapes, others drinking intense potions for their health. Kane carried a satchel around his shoulder, resting on his hip, filled with potions. It had only ben six days, but Kane was starting to feel at home in the city. He had come to see Yalin before he left, but couldn't find the young blonde woman in the crowd. The mystic aurora in the place was overwhelming, and that was something Kane thought he would never get used to.

The chapel's cement walls came to about fifty feet tall, with a yellow stained glass dome overhead, leaving a shadow of a woman on the floor, Uphena. The chapel of Uphena, or the Goddess of Love, was an historical building to the people, among a necessity, acting as a hospital and infirmary. The Daughters of Uphena, priestess, had taken an oath to only use magic pertaining to the healing of the wounded and sick, and claimed that Uphena herself spread her love through their selfless actions. The men of the city had learned to respect them, but outsiders had come to mock them, thinking that a woman's roll was in the kitchen. Other men, called them witches, and sorcerers of evil.

Kane himself at first did not trust these women with Yalin, who had become a great friend to him in the past week. He remembered walking through the great chapel doors, like something you would only see in a movie, and watching the women, much like now, heal the sick and afflicted. Yalin was by his side the whole time with a new dress Kane had bought for her. They both had walked into the front door, not knowing what to expect. They had walked forward talking to a woman seated by the doorway with long brown hair, and grey eyes.

"Can I help you today?" the women had asked.

Kane remembered telling her that he would like to talk to her supervisor, and leader, as he had an applicant ready. The woman gave him an even bigger smile, showing Kane her pearly white teeth. The woman seemed to speak forever, Kane ignoring most of it, knowing she was just explaining her job to him. Kane simply ignored it all, already knowing why she was there, which was to distribute potions, for coin, even a chapel needed founds to stay afloat. The rugged man from that point asked her where he could find their supervisor, and the woman pointed to the back giving him instructions.

"Kane" Yalin yelled with enthusiasm, running up the man.

The small woman had to leap a small ways to give the taller man a hug. Kane had grown more use to Yalin, and a lot less cold. He had never felt so much joy and happiness before in his life, then providing and taking care of Yalin. He watched her study her text, late at night for the last four days, and had cooked her meals. He had also listened as she spoke about the magic she was learning. Kane was even surprised to hear her comment about self-defense classes, but glad she was taking them.

"How are you doing?" Kane smiled, hugging back.

"Alright, I can't stay for long. So are you leaving now?" Yalin said in perfect English.

"Afraid so, I left you some money on the table from the odd jobs I've been taking, you'll have plenty for food, and fun this week." Kane said, releasing the girl, as her feet touched the ground once more.

"I'll miss you." Yalin replied.

"Same," Kane smirked, "I just wanted to say bye before I left."

"Really, or was it because I told you to come say bye before you left?" Yalin teased.

Kane glanced back at her with a lifted head, through the corner of his eye.

"That's what I thought." Yalin replied.

Kane often gave silent yeses, if one knew how to read the man. He kept his memories generally in the past, as Yalin tried to pry about his childhood. Kane never talked about anything about himself before the murder of her parents. He was like a sealed vault, never being able to open. Every time Yalin had asked, he had simply given her vague answers.

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