Chapter 6

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Yalin glanced up at Aldiian's beautiful yellow skies. A smile stretched across her face. This was the perfect day, a strong yet soft breeze swept by, the sun's rays warming the planet, the temperature, just right, and above all else it was her coming of age ceremony. Yalin had finally turned twenty. She would from this day on, be considered, and adult, though many still considered Aldiianens, or the people of Aldiian, in adolescents until their thirties.

"Yalin, have you put your dress on yet?" Yalin's mother shouted through her wooden double door.

Yalin looked down, at her legs, as the white dress touched the floor all around her. Her eyes followed the floor, quickly until stopping at the mirror she had been standing at for a while. Her hair was perfect, and her cheeks sparkled with glitter. A crown laid rest on her head, made of pure silver, with a sapphire in the center. She thought she must be the happiest girl alive.

"Yalin?" her mother called again.

"Coming," She replied giddily running down the stairs with her heels.

Her mother was Trisha Vibe, wife of her father Henry Vibe. They had lived happily married for forty three years. Her mother had a bright coloring to her, with the same round face Yalin inherited from her. Her light orange hair flowed down her neck to stop just below her shoulders, the way Yalin's father liked it.

Trisha patted Yalin's hair bun, resting at the top of her head. As she held her daughter, she gave her a smile, a smile that showed that a parent was both happy and proud.

"Well, should we go entertain our guest?" Trisha asked.

"Which ones, the peasants or the nobles," Yalin joked.

As Yalin walked with her mother down the majestic hall, the rugged man her father hired just a day ago walked by. Kane glanced at the princess as he held his gun in hand. He wore a dark brown, leather trench coat, with deep blue jeans. His yellow eyes cold, like ice.

"Kane," Henry Vibe shouted out from nowhere.

"Yes sir." Kane said, without care.

"I told you we need you outside, and you're out side." Henry was cut off.

"You were the uniform." Kane finished.

"Yes, so go put on your uniform!"

"I would politely decline; the armor I will be wearing will be debilitating, and ineffective." Kane argued, as Yalin watched.

"Henry! Leave the man be, come with us outside. Please," Trisha begged.

"What about our protection?" Henry argued, "And formality, this is a big day."

"Yes, Henry today is a big day; let's not waste it on arguing. Now go comb your hair, brush your teeth, and wear your tux."

"Oh, you're right," Henry replied, "And Aaron Gold will be there."

"No business, no politics, even a King needs at least one day a year, especially this one, to see his daughter and his wife."

Yalin just stared into her father's eyes. The man was almost a stranger to her. Henry Eden Vibe was the king of Aldiian, and was always busy because of such. Yalin didn't know so much as to even his favorite color. Her mother was also busy, always helping her father, which left her alone most her teen years. All Yalin knew is that she loved the man she called father, and that though not always there, her mother tried.

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