Chapter 1

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An explosion rang off, the blast damaging the space ship. Kane leaped out of his bed instantly, the sirens going crazy, fear striking his eyes as he glanced to his side. His heart leaped to his throat, Yalin was nowhere in the room. Kane rushed to the doorway, in his sleeping jumpsuit, yelling out for Yalin. He opened the door with the terminal, the door sliding to his right. He peeked both ways down the hallway, quickly brushing his glance for the young blonde woman. Sliding his back against the wall, he started his way to the women's bathroom. A shadow swept across the side of the white, steel walls, glowing with the red lights of the sirens. Kane suddenly stopped, holding his breath as the shadow brushed by him.

Kane suddenly attacked the shadow, the body slamming against the tiled, steel ground. The stealth generator turned off by the impact of the blow. The person's short sword fell by their unconscious body. The manly shape wore a black assassin's suit. Kane recognized both the suit and the short sword, the butcher blade, which was nothing more than an oversized butcher's knife. Kane crouched beside the body, quickly taking up the sword, as he continued on his way.

"Yalin," Kane let out, as a soft yell.

He peeked around the corner, the women's sign hanging over another steel door glowing with a pink light. Quickly, Kane rushed into the facility, his mind taking no concern for manners.

"Yalin," Kane shouted aloud

"Kane," the soft voice replied back in question.

Kane let out a sigh, "Yalin Vibe, am I glad you're alright."

Yalin walked out from the stall, hands gripped tightly together. Her green eyes were full of fear and her blonde hair a mess. She seemed pale, like if a ghost had chased her.

"Yalin, what's the matter?" Kane asked, "And what are you doing here?"

"Kane, they're here," Yalin muttered in reply.

Kane looked into her soft eyes, with his hardened expression, "let's go."

Yalin followed after Kane as she had done before. It was during her coming of age ceremony, she had just turned twenty, when her world turned upside down. Yalin's property and social standings were wiped away in a single day, as the assassins now hunting them, burned her palace and killed her family. If it weren't for one of her guards that day, Kane Reuben, she would have died. It was the only reason she followed Kane.

Kane's brown hair, spiked in style, gave him a rugged look complemented by his five O'clock shadow. His muscles showed well through his sleeping jumpsuit, even his legs showed definition. Why anyone would mess with Kane Reuben was beyond Yalin. The man was trained in five hundred different ways to kill a person and knew how to use almost ever weapon in the book. Kane had reached the age of thirty-eight three days prior to Yalin's ceremony, and though considered middle aged for most, his body was two years shy from its prime. Kane was born in the year 2967, on the planet Ka-Kadocsh, where the atmosphere strengthened male men to live an average of thirty years longer, for every year spent on the planet.

"Yalin," Kane said, with his hand held back.

Suddenly three invisible figures knocked Kane's head into the wall, knocking the man unconscious. Yalin didn't even have time to scream in fear, as the hidden persons snagged her. The voices whispered to each other, Yalin not quite picking up their words in the excitement. Her eyes traveled back to Kane. The stealth generators turned off, as one figure gripped Kane by his collar.

When Kane had woken, he found himself, tied with ropes, across his torso, head tilted to the ground. The sirens were gone, and the floor a pale gray color, instead of white. Kane knew he was no longer on the ship.

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