~*~Class 1-A - Sex Change~*~

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Just a small idea I got off watching an edit
EDIT: sorry i didn't realise half the story was missing, I've added it in now

I quickly ran in the front entrance of UA, cursing my head off under my breath.
"Shit, shit, shit, shit." I continued to curse, throwing my outdoor shoes in my locker and grabbing my indoor ones as I ran toward the classroom. I had over slept my alarm as I had been resting the past few days due to an injury from the sports festival. But since my body was so use to sleeping in I forgot to get out and now I was late for class. "Crap." I sighed, looking at the time on my watch as I stood outside 1-A. "With only a few minutes to spare, thank god." I sighed, pushing the door open as I stepped inside. Yawning, I walked over to my chair as everyone in the room continued to talk to each other. And I sat down I rested my head on the table closing my eyes. I had woken up not 15 minutes ago, and my brain was still in sleep mode. As I listened to the rest of the class, I wondered why everything sounded more... feminine, like there were more girls in the class than guys. But I was to tired to lift my head so I just cancelled out the noise, waiting until Mr Aizawa came in.
"Good morning class, today we will be doing a pop quiz." A woman voice filled the room just after the bell rang. Shouldn't we have Mr Aizawa now, who's this chick? "And welcome back Y/n, I'm glad to see your injuries have healed up."
Confused, I lifted my head as I said "Yes si-" but stopped as I saw a woman standing inside a yellow sleeping bag, but looked the exact same as Mr Aizawa. She had his ruggy black hair, his tired eyes, and the scar under his right eye.
"Argh!" I yelled, standing up as I looked at the woman in horror. "Wha? I-"
"Y/n." I looked to the side to see where Jiro said, but instead a boy who looked exactly like her sat in her place. "Calm down okay?"
"ARGH!" I yelled, jumping back as I looked around the room, and realised every person in class 1-A had someone who looked exactly like them of the opposite sex sitting in their seat. "What is this?!"
"Shut up you bastard." Bakugo huffed, turning to face me. "On our way to USJ a villain caught us off guard and used her quirk to change our genders. We're stuck like this for a week." Silence filled the room as I took in what Bakugo said. Soon a smile crossed my face before I burst out laughing, clutching my stomach in laughter.
"Wh- So you're- I mea- I can't!" I cried out loud as I wiped the tears from my eyes. "So you're all the opposite sex for a whole week?"
"Basically." I turned to see Todoroki sitting in the back, his arms crossing and uncrossing over his chest. "How do you women cross your arms with these things in the way? It's really annoying."
"And what, do you sit down to pee? How is that?"
"What about us!? What do we do with that thing down there?!" Momo cried, covering her face. "This is horrible."
"I don't know guys." I smiled, looking at the new women in the room. "You women look so sexy."
"Bite me Y/n." Bakugo growled.
"Oh you'd like that missy." I smirked as the class fell into arguments. Mr Aizawa looked around the room before sighing.
"I don't get paid enough for this." She mumbled as she wrapped herself in her sleeping bag and fell asleep behind the podium.

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