~*~Spencer Reid - Missing The Love Of Our Lives Together~*~

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Me, JJ and Penelope walk out the lift and towards the glass doors out of offices, all stopping to talk.
"I'm worried about him." JJ said.
"At least he knocked, we know he's awake and okay." I tried to reassure.
"I know but I wanna hear his voice, have him know that we're here for him."
"Well we have a case, so we'll have to try again after." JJ sighed, and the girls turned to the door and headed to the office.
After the meeting I went to grab my bag from my desk, but a hand on my arm stopped me from moving. Looking up, it was Derek who was holding my shoulder with his bag other his other shoulder.
"Hey Derek."
"Hi Amber. Look, I know this may not work, but is there any chance you could, pretend to be ill. I just want one of us still here that wouldn't be working to keep an eye on Reid." I was shocked at first, Derek asking me to not work since he always wants me here, but I understood what he meant.
"Sure Derek. I'll tell Hotch I've not been feeling well since this morning. And if I'm needed I'll help Penelope."
"Tell me what?" We turned to see Hotch walk behind us, stopping to talk.
"I may have to sit this case out. I've not been feeling well since yesterday and now I feel dizzy and light headed." I explained, Derek suddenly grabbing my shoulders and helping me into a chair.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
"Sorry Hotch."
"Okay, we'll call if your needed for assistance." I nodded as he turned to walk away. "And Amber?" I looked up as he turned to face me. "Make sure he's okay." I was surprised for a second but he just smirked at me and turned to leave.
"Well he's nicer than we thought." Derek commented.
"Well he knows how Spenc feels, he probably knows someone had to stay to keep an eye on him."
"True. Well I guess I'm off and you're here." He said as he picked up his bag.
"Yep. Don't have to much fun."
"How can I, you make it fun."
"Flirt." I teased, shoving him towards the door. "Go before you miss your flight!"
"Bye Amber."
"See you Derek." I waved before putting my bag back and grabbing my coat instead, heading back to the lift down to the parking lot.
Standing outside Spencer's flat block, I walked round the side alley to the building, preparing myself to run and jump for the laddder. Once I got ahold of it and was dangling from the bottom, I remembered the training I had with Derek and swung my body left and right, going to grab each bar above as I did. As my legs were able to stand on them, I climbed up to his flat and tried the window, which he left unlocked.
"For a genius, he's an idiot for keep the windows unlocked." I muttered to myself as I climbed inside, stopping myself from gasping at the sight. Books and papers were thrown all over the floor, papers he would have stacked up on his desk sprawled out on and off the table top. "Oh Spence." I whispered, sighing and taking my shoes off and putting them by the window before sitting down on his couch and putting my feet up on the table.
I must have sat there for 20 minutes just looking around the room, but soon Spencer walked out his room and right past me towards the kitchen.
"I gotta say Spencer I've never seen this side of you." I joked, smiling towards him as he jumped and turned around, surprised by my presence.
"How did you get in here?" He questioned, looking towards the front door.
"I climbed up the fire escape. Quick note Reid, I'd lock your windows from now on if you don't want people in."
"Well can you leave, I don't want to talk."
"No, Spenc, I won't."
"Amber-" But I stood up and walked over to him, stopping in front of him. "I can't."
"I didn't ask you to. You don't have to say anything, I'll just stay with you." I said and pushed some hair out his face. "Please Spencer." But he didn't say anything, so I placed my hand under his chin and made him look at me. "Oh Spenc." I sighed and pulled him into a hug, as the tears that were falling soon turned into streams down his face and the silence was filled with ragged sobs. I pulled him over to the couch and sat down with him as I wrapped my arms round his head and shoulders while he wrapped his round my waist, resting his head on my shoulder. I rested my head on top of his and ran my fingers through his hair, just sitting in complete silence. "When I was 19 I met a guy who I thought was the love of my life. He thought and liked most of what I did, it was easy to talk to them, I practically fell in love with him instantly."
"What... what happened?" He crocked, as his sons turned into whimpers.
"Well he was in the army, so I only met him a couple of times before he went to war. We wrote to each other and souped as much as we could, and he told me he was coming home soon after 6 months." I sighed and ran my hand through his long hair, brushing out the knots with my fingers. "But on his last day there, his camp was attacked. He was one of half the camp that didn't make it."
"I'm so sorry Amber." He told me and I smiled, feeling a tear fall down my face.
"He told his other friends about me. That he was going to propose to me once he got back, and wrote a bunch of speeches of what to say before he did." I sadly laughed, sniffing as I felt Spencer sit up. "I was so broken after that, that my only thought was to work, distract myself with it." I wiped my face. "I've never told anyone about this." I admitted, looking over to him.
"Well I'm happy you shared it with me. I guess we aren't much different in this situation." We both chuckled sadly, as I wiped away his tears.
"I guess not so much." He smiled at me before resting his head on my shoulder, both of us falling asleep after I kissed the top of his head.

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