~*~Sherlock - Miss Evil~*~

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"Sherlock?!" John yelled, standing in the doorway of their
flat. "We have a client!" John just stared at her while she flipped the cigarette around in her hands, ignoring the fact the ash was falling onto the floor beside Sherlock's chair where she sat or that she could burn her hand with the lit end. Her dark brown
hair fell down her back in waves to below her shoulders, her blue eyes looking around the room in boredom. She was wearing black skin tight jeans along with a black tight shirt, leather jacket and combat boots. She sighed, taking a drag from the cigarette.
She acted as though she hadn't just broken into John and Sherlock's flat, or that John was standing in the room. This made John on edge, he knew something wasn't right. Sherlock suddenly appeared beside John, looking the woman over while hanging his coat up.
But his face scrunched up in confusion, and John knew something was definitely wrong.
"John could you go make us some tea." He asked, and he
knew not to argue with him and walked into the kitchen, grabbing the kettle to fill as Sherlock sat in John's chair. That's when she decided to acknowledge the two in the room, flicking the ash onto the floor.
"Evening boys." Her voice was soft, but there was venom
and authority behind her words, she wasn't someone to mess with.
"I can't read you."
"Not even a hello back, that's a little rude." She smiled
sickly, taking another drag from the cigarette.
"I'm not the impolite one."
"Your front door was unlocked. I wanted to wait inside,
it's quite cozy in here." John walked back into the room with a tray of three cups of tea, a bowl of sugar and a small jug of milk. As he paced the tray down, he quickly grabbed Sherlock's unused ashtray and put it on the arm of Sherlock's chair just before
she put it out on the leather. "Thanks dear."
"Sorry, who are you exactly?" John asked, sitting down
on the coffee table. The woman turned her head to look at John, giving him a small smile.
"And is that your real name?" But she just smirked, turning
to look back at Sherlock.
"So, the great Sherlock Holmes, you could cut someone
with that face."

"As I've been told."
"Yes, The Woman. Such a waste of time really, wasn't the
most cooperative after she fell in love with you." No one spoke a word, not even Sherlock. But John didn't have enough time to process what she said when Sherlock suddenly stood up, grabbing the woman by the wrist and pulling her up, making her nearly fall
into his chest. John quickly stood to his feet and grabbed the handle of his gun in the back waistband of his pants, but didn't reveal it, waiting for the next person's move.
"I suggest you leave now, before I consult to other matters."
"Oh Sherly, he told me you'd be feisty."
"Who?" John asked, slowly lowering his hand.
"Der Berater verbrecher gibt seinen dank, Mr Holmes."
(the consultant criminal gives his thanks, mr holmes)
"Und ich gebe ihm mein Wort, dass ich ihn beenden werde."
(and I give him my word that I will finish him) Sherlock replied, stepping back from her and turning to face John. "John, show her to the door please." John was surprised that he used manners, which he never does, but let it slide and quickly went to open
the flats door, pointing down the stairs.
"I think you know the way out from here." Huffing, she
glanced over to Sherlock who was sitting at the kitchen table looking into his microscope.
"Until next time, Mr Holmes." She called, walking to stop
in front of John. "And I hope to see you again too, Doctor Watson." She purred, making John shiver; whether in disgust or pleasure he wasn't sure. But he knew she was evil, so he pointed again forcefully to the stairs and watched as she glided down them, closing
the door when she disappeared and heading to the kitchen.
"What did she tell you?" John asked, standing in the living
room and kitchen doorway. Sherlock didn't reply, he continued to look into his microscope. "Sherlock."
"Get ready," He started, looking up at John with a smirk. "The battle is about to begin."

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