~*~Keith Kogane - Welcome Back~*~

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"How are you feeling today Y/n? It's that day of the year again." Veronica said as she sat on the end of my bed, as I lay across the covers. Veronica was my roommate and best friend at the garrison, even if she was a few years older than me. We'd both been here when the war against the Galra started, and we've been a good team since. Sighing, I rolled to lie on my back, looking over to her as she gave me a sympathetic smile.
"I know, and I'll be fine. And please don't give me that look."
"What look?"
"You know what look. I'll be fine just like every year. I just need to get my mind off-"
"All cadets, report to the landing strip. All cadets, to the landing strip immediately." A voice echoed around the room, cutting me off mid sentence.
"What's the situation now?" I asked as I rolled off the bed, beginning to put my shoes on. I looked up to Veronica who stopped half way towards grabbing her jacket.
"Haven't you heard?" She said as she turned to look at me in shock but I could see abit of happiness in her eyes.
"No, that's why I'm asking." I said as we both exited the room.
"Voltron is here." She smiled. "Sam spoke to his daughter before and they were on their way here. We've just picked them up at Plat City 30 minutes out."
"Wait, isn't Lance one of the pilots for Voltron?" I asked shocked as she nodded. Smiling, I grabbed her hand and pulled her down the hall. "Well what are we waiting for?! You need a family reunion! It's been 5 years!" I smiled as we ran to the landing strip. Once we arrived, we had to wait about 5 minutes before we heard the front gates open in the distance, before two cars appeared from the tunnel. I looked around and saw Pidge's parents standing in the group of cadets and leaders, along with Lances family just further behind. Turning, I placed my hand on Veronicas shoulder, catching her attention.
"Go Veronica, join your family. You don't have to wait with me." I said as she looked over to me, the cars almost here.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, go! Go join the tears and happy smiles." I joked as she laughed and walked over to her family, just as the cars pulled up.
"Katie!" Pidge's mum yelled as she ran towards the car, just as the doors opened.
"Mum!" She jumped out and fell to the floor in a hug with her mum, sobs heard from both of them.
"Uncle Lance!" I heard and saw Lance run, nearly tripping out the car, to his family. They all ran into a group hug, and I could see Veronica crying as she hugged him. Smiling at the happy reunions, I got pulled to the side to be asked to check over the file about the debriefing later on today.
"And Cadet?!"
"Yes sir!" I suddenly heard, stopping me in my tracks. I recognised that voice anywhere, but how?
"Miss?" The person who I was speaking to asked, but I slowly turned to look towards the cars. Gasping, I dropped the file that was in my hands, making a clattering noise and catching the attention of a few people around me, including the group that I recognised that voice from. The person had stopped moving, starring at me for a few seconds.
"Y-y/n?" They said, a look of disbelief and shock all over their face as they stared at me. I turned away from the person in front of me and slowly started to walk towards them, tears threatening to fall the closer I got.
"Keith." I breathed and I started to run towards him, tears finally running down my face. "Keith!"
"Y/n!" He yelled, running towards me as well. Once we reached each other he scooped me up in his arms and span me in a circle, tears clearly falling down his face as he smiled up at me. "Y/n!" I smiled down at him as I grabbed his face and smashed my lips against his, savouring the feeling of his kiss; his smell, his touch, just him overall.
"Yes Y/n! You go girl!" I heard Veronica yell, making me laugh as Keith placed me down but didn't remove his strong grip around my waist. I looked up at his face and saw how much older he looked; the scar across his cheek, his longer beautiful mullet and the look of a man who's seen to much at such a young age. I lifted my hand and traced my finger over his scar, seeing his face drop abit, looking scared.
"Just as handsome as I remember." I whispered as I looked into his eyes. "Happy anniversary Keith."
"What? It's that date? I lost track of dates and time after being in space so long." Keith sighed as he rested his head on top of mine. "But I'm glad you're here to remind me babe." He spoke, moving to hover his lips over mine.
"Yep. Thank you for an awesome anniversary present. It makes me forgive you for your 5 years of absence." I spoke softly. He chuckled as he tucked some of my hair behind me ear.
"Happy anniversary y/n." He whispered before kissing me with respiration again.

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