~*~Winchesters - Angel Lovers~*~

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I was completely bored; there was nothing to do in this bunker. I had been lying on my back on the couch in the library for the last hour and no one had even walked in. I knew the boys were both in so I decided to get up and find them. Knowing Dean I decided to go to the kitchen first where I saw the 6 foot man sitting at the table drinking a cold one.
"Hey Dean. What you doing?" I asked sitting down across from him, snatching his beer and taking a swig. He glared at me while I did so, but I could see the smile in his eyes.
"I'm just relaxing a bit. That last hunt really did me."
"We'll have you seen Sam anywhere? Ive been bored the last hour."
"Well why don't you go find him and we'll all head out somewhere. You know, have one night off." I smiled and nodded, standing up and heading towards the exit. "Yo, throw me another would you?" I shook my head but smiled, grabbing another from the fridge and tossing it to Dean who caught it easily.
"I'll meet you in the library in an hour with or without Sam." I called and turned the corner to head to the storage room full of old books and finds; Sam usually spends his time in there or the library. But once I'd arrived at the room, there was no sign of a big moose anywhere. Sighing in frustration, I continued to search the bunker.

It had been half an hour or so and still no sign of Sam. I had checked every room that he would normally be in but to no avail. So now I'm heading to his room, which I decided to look in last for some reason, since is was the only other place I could think of. Once I'd reached his door, I did what he usually did to me and opened the door, walking in as I looked up from the floor.
"Sammy are you i-" but I stopped in my tracks and froze for a second, completely shocked at what I was seeing. Sam was wearing nothing but his boxers and was hovering other another person who had lost all their clothes, or should I say someone. "OMG WHAT THE HELL SAM!?" I yelled and covered my eyes, trying to get the image out of my head.
"Y-y/n I can-"
"Well as you can see I'm not now, so could you leave."
"Gabe." Sam scolded was the last thing I heard before I grabbed the door handle and slammed it shut. I just stood there starring at the door thinking of how he wasn't dead. But I was brought back to reality by the sound of rustling in the room. I quickly started to room back down the halls, trying not to fall as I went to find Dean. Luckily I found his sitting in the kitchen still but now he had the laptop in front of him.
"Wow, y/n what's-"
"G... It's S... He and... They where... It was..." I gasped, trying to catch my breath. Dean quickly stood up and was at my side, checking me other to see if I was hurt. But I just wafted him away and took his beer again to soothe my throat.
"Now you gonna tell me what the hells going on?"
"Y/n!?" SAMs voice was heard from down the hall before he appeared at the kitchen door. "Look, y/n-"
"Why didn't you tell us Sam?"
"Because I was afraid you'd hate me. Because I thought you guys would reject me after."
"Okay, hold up. What's going on?" Dean demanded, looking slightly pissed.
"I walked in on Sam... Doing it I guess."
"Really? You all fretting about that?"
"Dean just listen." Sam begged, he sounded and look genuinely scared.
"Dean he was in bed with a guy. Or more like Angel." He looked at me confused and I sighed. "He was in bed with Gabriel." Deans faced turned from confused to shocked to angry in less than 5 seconds before he faced Sam.
"Really Sam? An angel!?"
"What did you think was gonna happen?! That I'd be okay with it?!"
"That you'd at least be happy for me!"
"GUYS!" I yelled which shut both of them up. "Look, I'm sick of this. Dean your being completely contradicting. I know about your little secret so don't try and play the 'Sam its wrong' card. And Sam I don't get why you always have to have your brothers blessing. I mean it's your life, you don't have to always get deans permission being doing something or being with someone." They both stared at me and my little outburst, but both grunted in agreement.
"But wait, what's Deans secret?" Sam asked and I just turned to Dean.
"I would tell him. It's only fair since your doing the same thing."
Dean sighed and rubbed his face before saying, "Me and Cas are, you could say... a couple."
"Seriously Dean? You complain about my relationship with Gabriel but have one of your own with Cas?!"
"Boys boys boys settle down." We turned to see Gabriel and Castiel standing in the doorway, both smiling slightly. "We all know now. Let's just leave it at that shall we?"
"I agree with my brother Dean. Me and you should leave our brothers be so we can be alone."
"Okay! That's enough for me." I clapped, walking towards the door. "I'm calling my date, I can't be here."
"Wait, you have a date?" Dean asked.
"Why yes she does." A new voice said and Balthazar was standing next to me, his arms snaking round my waist. "Shall we be off beautiful?"
"Yes, let's go." I giggled and watched all the guys faces drop before we disappeared.

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