~*~Castiel - Father~*~

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I didn't understand what was going on. I couldn't... get why everything was as it is. My mother told me to be strong and brave, before she died; that the world is a dangerous place and I will be protected. Or her meat suit said that, I can't remember. But that is why I am walking down a path on my own in the warmth, calling out for my family.

2 years later
"Where is he?!"
"Why would I tell you?"
"Because," I stated, leaning in their face. "You know exactly who I am."
"Doesn't matter. Your fathers gone, your mothers dead and your searching for two men who want to be found dead than alive ever-" and I just flicked my wrist, his head snapping and body glowing for a few seconds before it was all silent again.
"Fine then. New plan."

"GOD DAMN IT!" I yelled, not knowing what to do. "PLEASE UNCLE!! I DON'T KNOW IF YOU CAN HEAR ME, BUT HELP ME FIND MY FATHER!! YOU KNOW WHO I MEAN!" I cried, covering my face as I felt the earth shake around me. "PLEASE!" I screamed, feeling power shoot out all around me, shaking the earth and flattening trees before it all went silent, the only sound being my deep breaths. "Please."

Rubbing my face, I took another swig if my beer as I looked around the bar. It wasn't as busy than any other place, and I didn't mind the atmosphere here.
Well, "Hey there gorgeous." I spoke to soon. Rolling my eyes, I turned to see a tall man with blondy brown hair smiling at me flirtatiously. "Why is a lady like you sitting here all by yourself?"
"I could ask you the same thing." I said monotone, taking another swig of the warming beer in my hand. "Why are you alone?"
"Well I'm here with my brother and friend." He explained, gesturing towards them.
"Well You can't leave them, that's just rude."
"Oh Sammys fine with it. And I don't think Cas minds either." He told me as I suddenly chocked in my drink, feeling the mans hand pat my back. "Woah, you okay?"
"Did- did you just say Cas?" I asked, looking towards him. "As in Castiel?"
"Who the hell are you?" He hissed, his flirty look suddenly gone by the mention of his angel friend.
"Where is he?" I jumped up, a smile on my face as I turned to find him. But a hand on my arm stopped me, and before I thought about it I shot out as him, sending him flying back onto the floor.
"Dean!" Someone yelled and a long haired man ran towards us, well the guy on the floor.
"Are you alright?" A deeper voice asked and I turned to see a dark haired man in a trench coat standing next to me looking at Dean, but I could see his real self, not the meat suit he was wearing.
"Father?" I said, and all three heads turned towards me, looks of shock in the two boys faces. He tilted his head in confusion as I felt happy tears run down my face. "You're alive."
"Cas Who is this?" Dean asked as he dusted himself off, looking between us both.
"I'm y/n, I don't think I ever got given a name but that's what I chose." I explained, turning to Cas. "You were human when I last saw you, even if it was only for a second. I didn't realise you were an angel again."
"Come on, lets talk outside." Sam said as he guided us out back. As soon as the door closed, I span around and pulled Cas into a hug, burying my face in his shoulder.
"Woah hey." I heard Dean call, but I felt Cas wrap his arms around me, leaning his head against mine.
"I've been looking for you for two years. I missed you so much."
"Cas," Sam said, "mind explaining to us what's going on?"
"Y/n here... I..." He started, and I felt his head turn to the boys. "She's my daughter."
"What?!" They both said, and I looked up wiping my eyes.
"April was my mother, the reaper girl back when Cas was human. When you killed her I used the last of her energy to grow and be born, which is why I knew Cas was my father, I heard you all talking." I said, turning to Dean. "I heard you crying for him." He looked around awkwardly, as if that day haunted him still.
"Y/n." Cas said as I looked back at him. "I'm sorry I didn't know your existence, but I promise, I will protect you and look after you for as long as I live." I smiled up at him, reputting my head in his embrace, my fathers embrace.
"I love you too father."

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