~*~Supernatural - Gods secret~*~

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Like my usual day, I was sitting in my room watching my favourite show, Supernatural. It was a weekly tradition for me; come home from university, grab a brew and change into my leggings and tank top before snuggling down to watch the newest episode. I was probably 9pm and I was half way through the newest episode where Cas and Lucifer were talking in a bar when I my lap flickered next to me. Frowning, I paused the episode and stood up, leaving my room to head downstairs.
"Mum? Dad?" I called, getting no reply in return. Quickly heading down the stairs, I looked in the living room to see no one there except my cats sleeping on the couch. I walked over and stroked their heads, hearing them chirp at me as I looked out the front window, my parents card still in the drive.
"Thomas?" I called my brothers middle name, since he usually yelled back to stop calling him that, but nothing. Worry set in as I went to the kitchen, where I saw all my family sleeping on the couch. "Guys?" I called, walking over and shaking them, but nothing. Panicking, I slapped my brothers face lightly as I shook my mum, but none of them moved, as if they were in a deep sleep. The lights flickered more again in the kitchen and I rubbed my arms, thinking of where I'd seen this before.
"No... that's silly, right?" I thought, but still walked to the cupboard and went to find the salt. "I'm just being silly."
"Actually quite the opposite." I quickly spun around and came face to face with a short man, wearing a suit and a long coat. "Hello darling."
"Oh my god! Why are you here? Are you in DC at a con? Unless..." I trailed off, seeing him smirk at me.
"Oh Yes. I'm some actor called Mark in your world, but I'm not him. Names-"
"Crowley." I spat, though I was shaking inside. How is he here? He's a fictional character? This isn't real. "You can't be real."
"Oh but I am. And you're not human. See, I've been looking for you for centuries. You're just a story, a myth really. But behold here you are."
"What? I'm just a normal eighteen year old adult. I haven't even left this country except 3 times in my life."
"Ah, but that's the wrong part. You my child are a nephilum, sent here by God to be... protected I guess." A nephilum? That's insane. Only three where nephilums in the show. But Metatron and Cas killed the girl a few seasons ago and the young boy disappeared.
"Your lying. I've lived here all my life. My mum has scans of me, pictures of me when I was a baby." I shook, watching as he came closer. Looking over at my family, a single tear ran down my face, and I knew this would be the last time I saw them.
"Now come on darling, I'm gonna show you what you're capable of. You can help me defeat the world."
"You better wake them up." I whispered, stepping back as I looked back at Crowley. "Please. If your going to take me please let me be a memory to them. I don't want then to miss or worry about me."
"Deal. Since your being so compliment." He waves his hand towards them, and they all began to stir. "Off we go darling. It's best not to fight me."
"Goodbye." I whispered to them. "I love you so much." And that was the last time I saw my family before Crowley grabbed my arm and teleported me away.

Once I woke up I found myself bound to a chair, a gag in my mouth in some dark warehouse. It had been weeks since I was taken from my home, and everyday Crowley would come and try to make me use my 'powers' that I apparently had. No one knew I was here, no one knew to rescue me, I was really alone.
"Afternoon princess." Crowley greeted as he entered the room, a white apron round himself as he walked to the table across the room. "What shall we learn today?"
"Go back to hell and rot there." I growled, spitting blood out my mouth. He just smirked at me as he came over and dragged the knife across my collarbone making me cry out in pain.
"Now now, that's no way to treat a king." He smiled, walking away to the table. He began to clean the blades and tools he was going to use, and I decided to try and leave. If I was a nephilum like Crowley said, I can use my power to break these bounds and escape. Lowering my head, I concentrated on the bounds breaking, watching them in my head fray apart and snap. A few seconds later I felt a pressure off my wrists and opened my eyes to see the bounds broken and on the floor.
"Impressive." I looked up at Crowley who smirked at me. "You have to admit I was right." Standing, I growled at him as I saw his face drop the smirk and turn to one of fear, him stepping back as I lifted my hand. "Now wait a second darl-" but in defence I shot out at him, sending him flying into the wall behind him, holding him there. He tried to fight back but I pushed him more, indenting him into the wall. "This won't end well Y/n. I will find you again."
"Yeah..." I smirked. "Good luck with that." I thought of somewhere I could be, anywhere except here and once I blinked I was gone, leaving Crowley to collect himself. I was standing in the middle of a cabin, it was slightly rundown and looked to be in the middle of no where, but I didn't recognise it. Though that didn't process in my mind as I collapsed onto the floor, breathing heavily as the adrenaline left.
"Who are you?" I heard a voice say and I looked up to see a young man standing in front of me, his eyes glowing gold.
"Jack." I sighed, pushing myself up using the table next to me. "Jack."
"Who are you?" He strained, looking scared that I was here.
"I'm y/n. I believe we're in the same situation here." I smiled, but exhaustion hit me and I went to fall again, but a pair of arms caught me, guiding me to the couch.
"How do you know who I am? How are we the same?"
"Your not a monster Jack." I sighed, letting darkness take over me.

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