~*~Dean Winchester - Another Legendary Huntress~*~

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I wrote this a year ago but had to rewrite it cause I couldn't find it. So here's the story I loved and lost part 2 😭

As I drove up to the house, I parked my car on the side of the path, sighing as I sat back in my seat. The sun was beginning to set over the house reminding me that I was late to the 'remorsing'. I knew Asa Fox a couple years back, tried to flirt his way into a gig I had going on; I threatened to punch his nose in if he didn't quit it. But he liked my attitude and skills, and I liked his cheesiness and skills and thus we became friends. Every time I was close I'd stop by to see how he was, join his hunt if he was on one. People think he stopped 5 wendigos in one night, it was actually 4, I got the fifth. Climbing out my car, I could hear the loud chatter before I even stepped foot into the house. And like I knew it would be, drunk hunters everywhere in the house.
"Hey, want a drink angel?" A guy came over and tried to flirt, making me smirk at him.
"Try coming up with a better pickup line and I'll consider your offer, jackass." I snapped, seeing him smile at me.
"Oh hey, I'm only messing with ya. I'm Elvis, use to be one of Asa' hunting buddies. Known him a few years." He introduced as I shook his outstretched hand.
"Y/n L/n, nice to meet you."
"Wait, the Y/n L/n? The girl who killed a whole pack of vampires on her own, who fought and killed a hellhound?" He gasped as I smirked, putting my hands in my pockets.
"That's me."
"Wow, you're basically legendary! It's finally awesome to meet you!" He said as he patted me on the shoulder.
"Rriigghhtt. Well I'm going to go get a beer." I nodded as I walked away from Elvis, heading towards the kitchen. I rubbed my face as I turned into the room, seeing the metal bath full of beer. I grabbed one the many label-less beers before cracking it open with my teeth.
"Woah easy girl." I looked behind me to see a tall light brown haired man standing behind me. He was wearing black jacket and jeans with a blue button up, but not the formal kind, with a few buttons undone to show a black shirt underneath. "You'll hurt your teeth doing that."
"Like I haven't hurt them enough when hunting." I smirked, taking a big swing of my beer. "The names Y/n L/n, apparently I'm legendary or something so please don't remind me." I introduced.
"Okay. Well I'm Dean Winchester. Apparently I'm also a bit legendary around these parts, so don't get your hopes up princess." He was smirking as he drank his drink, which hit a nerve.
"Dean Winchester? The guy who saved the world." I faked shocked, before giggling.
"And Y/n L/n, the girl who killed a bunch of vampires on her. Try a whole nest." He challenged.
"Try a colony of vampires." I challenged back, raising an eyebrow.
"Killing a hellhound."
"Been there, done that. You need to think harder Winchester."
"Fighting zombies."
"I felt like I was on the set of Walking Dead."
"How many we talking?"
"I've had my fair share."
"Hey! He said the magic word! Drink up everybody!" A voice suddenly interrupted out challenge and the whole house cheered.
"Looks like there's a game going on, shame I don't know the rules." I sighed as I took a swig of my drink.
"Let's see what Sam says, since he's technically legendary himself." Dean suggested, "or we could continue this somewhere private." Smiling sweetly I walked up to Dean with a seductive look on my face, standing on my toes to put my lips near his ear.
"I prefer the Sam option." I whispered into his ear, smiling at him as I pulled back and walked past him into the living room.
"Hey, wait up!"

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