~*~Winchesters - Saving The Younger Sibling~*~

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"Y/N!" Dean yelled as you ran into the house, looking around for Sam who was still inside.
"SAM!" You yelled for your brother, covering your mouth and nose with the sleeve of your jumper as you ran into the living room. The flames where covering all the walls, all the pictures of faces gone behind the orange flames. You went to turn into the kitchen, but the ceiling collapsed in front of you as you ran, nearly falling on your head.
"Y/N!" You heard Deans voice again, coming from outside. "Y/N! Get out of there!"
"No! Not without Sam!" You screamed back, turned and heading towards the hallway. Glancing into the dining room to see no one, you sprinted up the stairs to the second floor. "SAM!"
"Y/N!?" You heard him yell and ran to the left where his voice came from.
"Y/N get out of here!" Sam yelled to you as you burst into the room he's voice was heard from. You saw him, lying on the floor with a wooden beam over his waist as he tried and struggled to push it off. "Y/N!"
"SAM!" You screeched and ran to him, sliding on your knees as you reached his side. "Are you okay?!"
"I can't feel my legs. Y/n you need to get out of here-"
"No! I'm not leaving you behind!" You looked for anything to help you lift the beam, but when you came up empty handed, some of the ceiling fell behind you, making you jump to the other side of the beam next to Sam's feet.
"Y/n just leave me! Go! Dean can't lose us both!"
"He's not going to lose either of us Sam! Now get ready to pull yourself out!" You coughed as the smoke started to fill your lungs. You put both hands under the beam and with are your strength; you tried to pull the beam up. It took a couple of tries, including Sam yelling at you to leave him as more of the house collapsed around you, but you continued pulling until you saw Sam's feet disappear from your side of the beam and appear on his. Sighing in relief, you coughed vigorously again and collapsed to the floor, the smoke making it hard to breathe properly.
"Y/n we have to go! Y/N!" You heard Sam yell but you didn't move, watching as the flames on the ceiling fill your vision.

Dean was starting to get worried a few minutes after Y/n had gone in. He would have gone with her, but the door got barricaded by the ceiling. He hoped and prayed that she got out, along with Sam, but he was getting anxious now. Before he was about go in, he saw Sam coming from down the side of the house. He was speed walking towards him, a slight limp in his step.
"Sammy!" Dean sighed in relief and jogged over to him, but Sam pushed past his older brother and continued quickly to the ambulance. Dean watched as his brother took the oxygen tank and mask, which started an argument with the paramedics.
"Let go of me!" Sam yelled, his voice sounding like he'd smoked 20 a day, before shoving the paramedic off him and heading back down the side of the house.
"I... S-Sam!" Dean yelled and went after his brother, barging the gate open and turning the corner to see him kneeling on the back porch with the tank next to him, shoulders moving up and down like he was pumping something. That's when he remembered Y/n wasn't with him.
"Come on! Don't you die on me!" Dean slowly walked towards his brother, taking in a sharp breath when he saw Y/n lying in front of him covered in ash and her clothes all burnt, even seeing her skin in some places. Dean quickly ran and fell to his knees across from Sam, grabbing the mask and putting it over her mouth and nose before turning the tank on. "Come on baby girl, don't you dare die on us."
"Y/n..." Dean choked and rubbed a piece of hair from out her face. "Please."
"Damn it!" Sam yelled and fell back onto his behind, wrapping his arms round his legs and pulling them to his chest. "Dean she's..." But he trailed off, to scared to say it. She died saving him, and the guilt and regret and pain was only just starting.
"It's not your fault Sammy. It was her choice to save you, to go inside-"
"But I could have saved her. I could have not gone inside in the first place! Then maybe she'd be here!"
"Your both suck ass." A groggy voice weakly chuckled, making both boys head snap to the girl in the floor. Y/n tried to smiled up at them, but burst into a coughing fit, lying on her side and trying to take the mask off.
"Hey, hey, hey, hey, no. Leave it." Sam said, gently moving her hand away from the mask. "You gave us a fright sis." Sam sniffed. He nodded towards the oxygen tank at Dean to grab while he picked up their sister bridal style, holding her close to his chest and making sure not to cut off the oxygen. "Don't do that again you son of a bitch."
"Screw you asshat." She mumbled as they came to the front of the house where the paramedics rushed her to an ambulance along with her two brothers.

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