~*~Dean Winchester - Baby girl~*~

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"Has anyone seen Y/N anywhere?" Dean asked as he walked into the library. Sam and Cas where sitting at the table, Sam trying to teach Cas how to use a computer.
"No, not since this morning. Why?"
"She's been gone hours Sammy. And not told us where she is. I'm starting to worry."
"Just because you fancy her and are over protective of her Dean doesn't mean something bads happened." Sam teased and Dean blushed profusely.
"Shut up."
"Y/n could have gone on a 'run', she did tell me she was hungry." Cas suggested. But before either Winchester could reply, the sound of a horn was heard coming from the garage.
"What the-" But the next sound confused the three men even more; wailing. Grabbing their guns they ran towards the garage and burst through the door, only to see nothing.
"Y/n?!" Dean yelled as Sam walked over the impala and Cas over to the older cars while Dean checked the garage doors.
"Oh my god..." Sam said and Dean and Cas turned just as Sam leaned down into the impala. "Why hello little one." Dean walked over and looked through the front window to see a baby lying in the drivers seat. The baby has a dipper on along with a white top and small white jacket. She was also wearing black baby shoes and looked to be on the brink of tears.
"Where did the baby come from?" Cas questioned as Sam picked her up and rocked her in his arms.
"I'm not sure. The garage door doesn't seem to be opened."
"Well we can't keep... it." Dean stated as he put his gun away, earning a bitch face from Sam.
"What do you mean we can't keep her, Dean? We don't know where she can't from."
"Exactly, why should we keep a kid that's just randomly appeared? We'll give it to one of those orphanages." Dean said and turned away, heading towards the door back into the bunker.
"oss!" The girl suddenly cheered, looking up at Sam and reaching up to his face. "ng ar!"
"Did she just..."
"I think she said long hair." Cas said as she clapped, her arms now reached out towards Cas.
"tiel! el!" She cheered and Cas smiled at her as realisation dawned on Sam.
"Y/n?" But she just cheered and clapped again, nodding her head as she smiled up at him.
"Oh my god..." Dean smiled and burst out laughing, clutching his sides.
"Why is she a baby?!"
"I believe we could be dealing with a witch." Cas stated.
"Yeah no shit Sherlock." Dean chuckled as he, Sam and Cas heading back inside the bunker.

When they got back inside, Sam decided to go shopping to get the necessaries for the new baby, since they didn't know how long she'd be one. Dean had taken her into his room and was currently lying on his bed, his back against the backrest as he held baby Y/n in his lap, letting her play with the bottom of his plaid shirt. He was a natural parent and had been bossing Sam and Cas round the last hour before Sam took his leave to go shopping. But he wanted to make Y/n happy and protect her, even if she was safe in the bunker.
"eno." She mumbled as she took a huge yawn, making Dean chuckled.
"I think it's time for bed munchkind, don't you?" He said as he took off her little jacket and created a small made bed next to him using a spare blanket before lying her down in it. But when he pulled away she whined and held her arms out and doing the granny motion.
"eno! eno ay!" She pouted as she spoke and Dean couldn't help but smile as he took his shoes off and lay down next to her made bed. She tiredly smiled at him and rested her head near Deans, putting her thumb in her mouth. Dean just started at his adorable baby girl and kissed her on the forehead, placing an arm around her body.
"I love you Y/n." Dean said and kissed her small hand as a small smile appeared on her face.
"Lov oo eno." Was what she mumbled and Dean heard just before he drifted off to sleep.

When Sam got back and headed to Deans room the sight was to cute. He grabbed his phone and took a picture before leaving the two of them alone to sleep.

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