~*~Hero Academia - Saving My Classmate~*~

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"Y/n!" I heard someones voice call, it sounded far away yet familiar as well. "Y/n!"
"Hello?" I called, but I was surrounded by trees and fallen students, all pass out from the purple gas. I started running in a random direction, hoping to find anyone awake to help me, help the students.
"Let her go!" Stopping at the edge of a clearing, I could see the scene infront of me, and the person who was calling my name. Deku, Todoroki and Shoji all stood on one side of the clearing, while the villains stood on the other, portals all next to them as they step inside. But what confused me more, was I was standing next to the villains, one of their hands round my throat while the over held my arms behind my back. I was covered in scars and blood, tears falling down my face and I struggled against the guys hold, but having no energy.
"No... why this night?" I whispered, watching as Bakugo appears next to me and Tokoyami appeared from Shojis hand. Another villain grabbed Bakugo and Deku ran towards us, Todoroki not far behind him.
"Kacchan!" Deku called, jumping towards him as Todoroki ran at me.
"Don't come, Deku."
"I love you guys." Me and Bakugo said to each of them before we disappeared, the villains and portals disappearing.
"No!" I screamed, but everything went black before a sharp pain went through my neck, and I suddenly screamed, opening my eyes to see me in a cell, back in my cell.
"Another mission for you to join us on, Y/n. Let's hurt as many people as we can." He smirked as someone yanked me out the cell, throwing me to the floor. Oh, I remember now, I thought. When the attack happened Bakugo was able to escape, but I got taken away just before All Might could grab me. How long has it been since the fight? I've lost count on days since I've been here.
"Get up! We're off." The blue flame guy spoke, pulling me up and throwing me into one of the portals. I don't bother to learn their names, I don't want to know them anymore than I have to. I caught myself before I fell onto the floor, standing up and looking around; I recognised where we were instantly.
"What are we doing here?!" I yelled, before a massive shock went through my neck. I went to scream but blue flames put his hand over my mouth, stopping me.
"Now now Y/n, we don't wanna disturb the people. But I'll gladly answer your question." Handsface said, leaning close to me. "Your class are on another school trip, but why don't we pay them little visit before they leave town."
"No..." I said.
"Go on, use your quirk to freeze their bus. I'd like to see their cold confused faces." He smirked, and I was going disobey, endure the pain from the neck collar, but instead a cold rough hand went around my throat, one finger lifted off my skin. "I don't think you have a choice here." He whispered as I gave him a pissed off face, but as the bus suddenly started to come into view, I lifted my hands and took a deep breath, before crouching and touching the ground. I felt his hand let go of me as soon as ice started to cover the ground towards the bus, once hitting it it suddenly being slightly raised off the floor. Cries of shock could be heard from inside but before I could do anything all the students flew out the bus, just as blue flames shot his quirk at it, setting it alight.
"No! Stop!" I screamed, but they shocked me and pushed me behind them, hidden away from the students.
"Villains!" Someone yelled, everyone and the teachers got into a fighting stance, all prepared to fight.
"Wow! Look at them! All ready to fight us down. You must have some experience since the first time we attacked you." Handsface said, laughing as blondie skipped over to me.
"What do you want? Why are you here? Haven't you learnt from last time." A voice from the students was heard, and I recognised it instantly.
"De-ku..." I groaned as I pushed myself up, suddenly blondie holding one of her needles to my neck.
"If you even show that you're a hostage to them, that you're not one of us, I'll cut you up quicker than that hot guy can throw his ice." She whispered to me, slowly dragging her needle lightly over my neck. "Got it?" Nodding, she pulled me up to my feet and pushed my forwards, right behind handsface.
"Surrender now, I don't see you winning this fight." Todoroki spoke up, and I gulped down the nerves that were coming up my throat.
"Are you sure about that?" Handsface said before blondie shoved me forwards infront of them all. Gasps were heard from everyone in 1-A as I kept my eyes diverted to the side, not daring to look at any of them.
'Y/n..." Deku said, pain heard in his voice.
"I'm going to kill you!" Bakugos yelled before he jumped up and flew towards us, readying to shoot at handsface.
"Go on Y/n." He said, and I tensed up, eyes closed as I lifted my hand up at Bakugo, using my wind quirk to shove him back, sending him flying towards the others.
"Y-y/n?" Yaoyorozu stuttered, confused as to why I was helping them. "Wha-"
"Yes! She's on our side now! We showed her what heroes really are! What you are becoming to be! How being a villain is so much fun!" Handsface yelled, standing next to me. "Yes! She knows the feeling of victory! Of Success! How distroying and killing is all worth it! Like we will do to you all." He growled, and went to step towards them.
"No..." I whispered, lowering my head. "No..."
"Sorry, speak up please." Blue flames said.
"I said no!" I screamed, turning and shooting my flames at them all. "I won't let you hurt my friends!" But suddenly the collar on my neck turned on, and showed no signs of stopping. I fell to the floor in agony as pain came through my neck and throughout my body, making my body spasm and my voice go horse.
"Y/n!" I heard loads of people yell before all I could hear was explosions and fighting.

"Y/n?" I heard someones voice call, it sounded far away yet familiar as well. "Y/n?"
"Hello?" I called, but I was surrounded by blackness. I felt myself moving in a random direction, hoping for someone to help me, get me awake. I felt myself being tugged towards a light, before suddenly the voice got louder.
"Y/n!" I shot up and gasped, looking around in panic. But after a couple of seconds I realised I was in a hospital, everyone from 1-A standing around my bed. "Y/n!" Deku cried.
"Ow, my neck." I groaned, rubbing where the collar use to be. It felt sore and raw, but other than that and the occasional body spasm, I felt fine.
"Oi, how you feeling, shithead?" Bakugo growled, glaring at me. "And how dare you fight me back! Who do you think you are?!"
"Kacchan, calm down, she's just woken up!" Deku said.
"Right! Y/n has been gone for weeks! She probably hasn't had any rest! Let us leave! Quietly now!" Lida commanded, as everyone in the class said their goodbyes and left one by one.
"Are you sure you're okay, Y/n?" I looked to the door to see Todoroki standing there, a concerned look on his face. But I just smiled at him, nodding as I gave a relaxed sigh.
"I'm fine now, just tired. Thank you for saving me, Shoto." His eyes suddenly went big and his face went really read, which made me giggle.
"Th-that's what heroes are for, F/n." He smiled, before leaving the room. I blushed as he called me my first name, a smile on my face as I lay back down and soon fell asleep.

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