~*~Draco Malfoy - You're Not Alone~*~

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Walking down the empty abandoned hallways, I tried to clear my head of all the stress and lies I had to deal with recently. It was just so hard, from being this... this carefree, happy, joyful person to a lying, sneaky, smiling girl. I shouldn't have to lie to my friends, I know I shouldn't. But the amount of talk I would receive and lose of friends I'd have; it's sadly the better option. Sighing, I sat on one of the window cills, just looking out onto the empty grounds. People would be in lunch now, but I wasn't hungry, and I didn't want to see my friends at the moment, not feeling like this. But I was suddenly pulled from my thoughts by a faint crying, making me look up curiously. It couldn't be weeping Wendy, she was on the other side of the castle. Quietly, I stood back onto my feet and headed towards the sound, finding it was coming from inside the old boys bathroom. I contemplated for a second entering the room, but no one uses them anymore, so no one will come randomly in so suddenly to see me inside. Slowly, I pushed the door open, the muffled crying becoming louder. As I walked into the room, I looked around only to see a boy leaning over the sinks at the over end of the room, his shirt a mess along with his blonde hair.
"Draco..." I whispered, making his crying stop and his body stiffen visibly. Walking slowly over to him, I placed my hand onto his shoulder when I reached him. He seemed to tense even more, but made no effort in to removing my hand. "Draco..." I spoke with sadness, and that's when he decided to turn, showing me his once brave and strong face now looking broken and lost. Not even giving it a second thought, I gently pulled him into my shoulder, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and holding the back of his head with one hand. He wrapped his arms round my waist and continued his sobs into my shoulder, his legs giving in and falling to his knees, me willingly going with him. We just held onto each other for a long time, me comforting him and he holding on like I was his life line. But when I saw it was starting to get dark outside, he lifted his head off my shoulder, tears still streaming down his face but looking into my eyes.
"How do I deserve someone like you?" He asked, pushing my hair behind my ear. I just smiled up at him, holding his face and whipping his tears away, even if they did get replaced by fresh Ines.
"I don't know, but what I do you is that your not alone, not anymore." He laughed a sad broken laugh, resting his head on my shoulder.
"You shouldn't have to lie for me, you shouldn't have to hid and keep seeing me."
"But that's not your choice," I said, lifting his head up. "And if I had the option to change this, I wouldn't change a thing."
"I love you." He smiled sadly, leaning his forehead against mine.
"And I love you. Talk to me next time you need me. Don't hid away. I'll always be here for you." I said, smiling at him. "I always will be." And I lightly pressed my lips to his, holding his face gently in my hands as he arms wrapped tighter round my waist, like to make sure that I was really here for him. And for him only I was.

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