~*~Carl - Scared To Talk To Crush~*~

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"Go on Carl, don't be such a cry baby."
"Yeah, go talk to the gurl and tell her ya like her ya wimp." Glenn and Daryl had been bugging Carl to ask me out for the last few days now. It's not that much of a secret Carl likes me. I mean, nearly everyone knows in the prison by now, what with Daryl and Glenn's big mouths. I on the other hand never talked about the subject or even mentioned it when I saw the looks Glenn and Daryl where giving each other when we sat together. To be honest it was bugging me now, I'd feel so embarrassed if I was in Carl's place; everyone knowing his personal feelings. I mean there isn't much that we can do that's 'personal' now but we should be able to keep the little personal things to ourselves.
"Dude, go talk to y/n!" Glenn's voice was heard from outside my room.
"I can't! What if she just wants to be friends! What if I ruin mine and y/n's friendship? I'd rather keep that then lose it." Carl argued. That's what I liked about him, he could be a stubborn son of a bitch but he always thinks of the best option, even if it goes against his. He's always just so... Carl. His brown shaggy hair that I just want to run my fingers through and his blue eyes, they always seem to make me forget about the dying world that's just outside our four fences and walls. I have had a crush on him for a while now too, since the day the governor attacked us and lost trying to destroy the prison and get us out of it. He's so sweet and caring and considerate and brave and I don't know why I haven't stood up for him and told them I like him too. I guess I just don't want my personal feelings being told to everyone before I've even figured them out. But this was getting out of hand now, for me and for him, and I needed to stop this from continuing, even if it means revealing my feelings and letting go of the only thing I have as personal.
"Scared-y cat. Can't even talk and tell y/n how he feels about her." Daryl teased.
"I'd like to see you two try." He argued back.
"Been there, done that, was well easy." Glenn bragged.
"Easy for you to say, Maggie liked you and you didn't even have to say it to her!"
"Don't be such a pussy boy and go get that girl." I rolled my eyes and sighed, throwing my legs off the bed and standing. I'd had enough of this petty teasing and arguing now, it was getting boring. I grabbed my holster and machete, putting them on before walking out my room and down the walkway. All three boys turned when they heard me walking down the metal stairs and I smirked at them all as I walked past Carl.
"Just so you know, jokes on you guys as I like him back." I innocently stated, receiving a choking noise off Glenn and a stunned look off Daryl. I looked at Carl and winked, seeing him blush a deep red and look down with a hint of a smile on his face. My laugher could be heard as I walked out the room and through the canteen, heading through the doors outside to do my perimeter rounds.

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