~*~Chandler Bing - Truth or Dare~*~

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Hi! So... I've been gone a while. I've just been busy with my job and life that I kind of put writing into the back of my mind.
I'll be trying to write some more mini stories, but it may not be as frequent as it use to be. I need to fall back in love with creating my own stories. I'm also very rusty, so if they're not that great I'm sorry.

But here, I've written one suggested by @rainandrock so hopefully you enjoy!

"I'm bored!" I groaned, flopping myself over the armchair. I was currently in Monica and Rachel's flat, the rest of the gang sitting around the remaining chairs in the living area. We'd just come back from having a meal and a couple drinks out, but decided to continue back home. "I'm bored and drunk. I wanna do something."
"Hi bored, I'm Chandler." He chimed in, and I gave him a playful glare whilst sticking my tongue out at him. He did it back to me, and I couldn't help but stare into his eyes as he stared right back. "How about another drink?" He suddenly piped up, raising his empty can up into the air as his gaze averted from me. Wait, is he blushing?
"Nooo! I thought we'd stop for the night and drink air!" I sarcastically said back, brushing it off to the amount of alcohol we've drank. "Of course I want another drink! Joey!?"
"On it!" He slurred, stumbling over to the fridge to grab a pack of beers.
"Maybe we should play a game?" Monica suggested, grabbing the empty cans off the coffee table and wiping it down. Does this girl ever stop cleaning? I thought.
"Oh! Truth or dare!" Rachel yelled, clapping her hands at her idea.
"Yes! I'll go first! Phoebe!" I called, pointing at her. "Truth or dare?"
"When was the last time you kissed a guy?"
"Oh that's boring, we all saw her kiss that guy outside the cafe." Ross groaned.
"I'm my defence I thought he was someone else." Phoebe said in a 'matter-of-fact' tone. "Rachel, truth or dare?"
"Ohh, dare!"
"I dare you to go on the balcony and confess your love to whoever you love." Phoebes said.
"Oh, easy." Rachel said, making her way out the window and onto the balcony. "I CONFESS MY LOVE TO Y/N AND ROSS! I LOVE THEM BOTH SO MUCH!"
"Awww, thanks Rach." I said, giggling at how silly she looked.
"Hey, what about us? I thought you loved me the most!" Cried Chandler, giving her those puppy dog eyes as she climbed inside.
"I love you all, but I'm dating Ross and I knew it'd get a kick out of y/n."
"Damn straight!" I clicked while pointing at her, just noticing the smirk on her face.
"Y/n..." Rachel started, "Truth or dare?"
"Dare." I saw an evil look come across her face, and I knew I'd fucked up.
"I dare you to kiss you favourite person in this group." She smirked, knowing who my favourite person was.
"Fuck..." I sighed, running my hand through my hair as I sat up from lying over the chair. "You son of a bitch..."
Standing, I made my way over to the couch, where Monica, Joey and Chandler were sitting.
"Ohh, it's definitely me." Joey smiled, looking up at me ready for me to lean down to him. But me being a tease, I thought I'd be funny to start leaning down towards Monica, seeing her eyes widen in shock. I could also see Rachel in the corner of my eye with the same look. But just as I was about an inch from her face, I quickly turned and pecked Chandler on the lips, standing upright and walking back over to my seat. Silence filled the room as I looked around at everyone, Chandler just starting off into the distance in shock.
"Well, I guess we should call it a night." Ross called out, everyone mumbling in agreement as we all started heading off to our homes.
"Y/n..." I heard as I was about to head down the stairs and saw Chandler standing in the hallway. His cheeks are still pink... I thought to myself.
"Yeah?" I asked, walking over to him. "Everything okay Chandler?"
"I... am I your favourite person in the group?" He asked, still with a look of bewilderment on his face.
"No." I said blankly, seeing his face drop abit.
"You're my favourite person... in the world." I said, my voice suddenly sounding shaky. I went to look down and started fiddling with my hands, suddenly getting scared to look at him in the face, dreading his reaction. But I felt a hand underneath my chin, lifting my head up to look at him. I saw the faint smile across his lips, and his pink cheeks becoming even more rosey than before.
"Good." Was all he said before he leaned in slowly and crashed his lips into mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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