An Animagus (pl. Animagi) is a witch or wizard who can morph him or herself into an animal at will. It is a learned, rather than hereditary skill, unlike those of a metamorphagus. The process of becoming an Animagus is short but extremely painful. All Animagi are reported to the Ministry for them to be considered legal. To become one, one must wave their wand and repeat this incantation :

Animangius Fentareo

Wand movement consists of a swirl and a flick.

I smirked, happy with my discovery. Peeking over my book, I observed Jake, as he finished a potions essay.

"Hey Jake?" He looked up expectantly, "I'm going to head up to my common room if that's fine with you. I've got what I wanted."

He nodded.

"It was nice to meet you Mia. I hope we can talk again." He said, standing up for a hug. I grinned, hugging him.

"You too Jake. Thanks for the help!"

I tucked the book into my cloak, hiding it from Madame Pince's sharp eyes. She sneered at me, watching my every move. Gods, I thought, I've fought monsters and even they didn't scare me as much as her!

I slowly walked out of the library, walking down the empty halls. I had a free period, so I headed for the Room of Requirement.
As soon as the door appeared, I rushed in, closing the entrance behind me. The room was exactly the same one I trained in last time, except for there were a few sofas in the corner.

Heading for that area, I sat down, pulling out my wand. Opening the book on the right page, I set my finger on the enchantment, repeating it :

"Animangius Fentareo!"

As soon as the words left my mouth, an agonising pain filled my body. I felt my bones moving, my body falling on all fours.
A muffled scream left my mouth, as images flashed before my eyes.

Tartarus, Percy and Annabeth, Matt...

I choked back a sob, enduring the horrible pain. After what felt like days, the pain slowly left my body, leaving me lying on the ground, not knowing if it had worked. My senses had sky rocketed, and my body felt lighter. I looked at my hands, only to find spotted paws.

Sh*t. I'd done it.

Now then, how do I become a human again? Just as the thoughts swirled around my mind, I felt my body cracking, no pain this time, until i felt human again. I stood up, grinning. Now then, what animal did I become? An image flashed through my head, and I grinned.

A cheetah.

I grabbed my wand and headed out of the room, just as students started leaving their classes. Dirty looks were thrown my way, but I didn't care.

All I cared about was finding Remus. I searched through the students, not spotting the tall boy. Sighing in defeat, I settled for finding Lily, as her hair was somewhat easy to spot in a crowd of people.
Just as I said, a mop of vibrant red hair bobbed through the crowd. Grinning, I ran towards my friend.

"Lily!" I screamed, grabbing her attention. She turned to me, her smile never fading from her face. She waved, making her way towards me.

"Hey Mia! Remember you still have to explain everything to me!" I nodded, my grin fading slightly. She must have noticed, because a look of sympathy made it's way onto her face.

"What do you have next?" She asked, hooking her arm into mine.

"Uhhhh... Divination I think." I answered, frowning slightly. Lily grinned brightly. "Same! It's a shame we haven't had Divination yet, even though we're so far into the year..."

"I know... it's awful that Professor Foresight was ill with Dragon Pox.. " I said, looking at her.

We headed up to the tower, joining the the Gryffindors and the Ravenclaws. My eyes crossed with Jake's and I grinned, waving. He answered with a huge smile.

I turned to Lily, who regarded our interaction with curiosity, without questioning it. I studied our class. I noticed a pair of grey eyes staring at me, and I looked back at Sirius, my gaze unwavering. He sighed, turning towards James.
Just as I was about to walk over to him, the trapdoor above us opened, and a silver stepladder descended from it. One at a time, everybody clambered up it, hurrying to get into the classroom.

Once everyone was in the classroom, that strangely resembled a barn, a figure strolled into the room. He was no taller than 5'5 and was sporting a pink bathrobe and yellow duck slippers. He grinned at us all, grey, wild hair covering his eyes.

"Hello students! I'm Professor Foresight you're divination teacher! And-" Before he finished his sentence, his eyes widened," We will be faced with a disruption in this class, young wizards beware!"

We all looked at each other shrugging slightly, not really believing him.

"Now then, take your seats and we will begin the lesson with eye reading!"

I sat next to Lily and Jake, cringing as the Professor tripped on his feet, crashing to the floor. Roars of laughter coming from the table where the Marauders were seated reached everyone's ears, and snickers followed it. He stood up again, grinning from ear to ear.

"Well that was painful!"


A minute later, we were all reading each other's eyes, laughing at how stupid it was.

"Lily..." I said, "You shall be faced with a James today!!" I said, making Jake snicker ever so slightly.

Lily pouted, smiling still.

Suddenly a scream echoed in the room, making everyone look up from their work. Professor Foresights bathrobe was on fire, as he struggled to take it off. Lily rushed forwards, muttering the well known spell under her breath, as a jet of water erupted from the tip of her wand.

Professor Foresight thanked her, giving her 50 points, making the Gryffindors cheer.

"How was it set on fire Sir?" An obnoxious Black asked. Professor Foresight looked at us all, one by one, before saying it was the gods punishing him for spilling his tea.

A loud and extremely familiar laugh erupted from above us, making us all look up. Stuck to the ceiling, his face grimy, was Leo. He detached himself from the ceiling falling down with a crash. Wands were pointed at him, as people whispered, wondering how he got in.

I rushed forward, just as he noticed me.

"Mia! Look! I, Bad Boy Supreme, am in Pigwarts!" Just as he was about to reach me, a hand stopped him.

"What do you want? You're not going to hurt her, are you?" Sirius said, looking concerned. I stared, surprised. Leo, being himself, laughed.

"Of course not, man! Mia is my homie!" I laughed, stepping forwards and hugging him. "What are you doing here?!" I asked. He shrugged. "Don't know really. Chiron told me to come with Hermes boy and help you."

I looked at him, confused. "Hermes boy?" He nodded.

"Matt Castellan."

What? Then, everything went black. Meaning, yes. I fainted... again.


Hey guys...

I just wanted to thank you for being so patient with me. I wrote this story about a year ago on another platform than Wattpad and never finished it, and I have basically no inspiration right now. There's still quite a few already written chapters so don't worry, I'll publish those weekly.

And I've only edited the two last chapters I've written, that haven't been published yet, so bear with my bad, old, mistake filled writing for the time being.

Thank again guys,


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