Chapter 22- Day 14 part 1

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Caitlins POV

I am currently sitting in the car with Bennett in a very, very uncomfortable silence. You can literally cut the tension between the two of us with a knife.

We are about to pull up to the school when he decides to break the tension. We are 20 min early.

"Where have you been whole weekend Caitlin? I have tried to get ahold of you. I phoned, texted and even knocked on your front door but no one answered. Where the fuck where you?"

Now I start fuming. Who does he think he is? Speaking to me that way.

"First of all, you have no right to speak to me that way, I can do as I please and go where I please without having to report to you my every move. Seeing as you don't report your every move to me either."

"I will speak how ever the hell I want to with you. You are suppose to inform me what you are doing or atleast return my God damn texts. You were so quick to reply to that Michael guy's texts last week but you totally ignore mine whole weekend. What the fuck is up with that. If you wanted to go screw some guy, you could atleast have the decency to have told me about it." He says, fuming. I can see and feel the anger radiating off of him.

For a moment I sit there dumbstruck that he can think, let alone accuse me of doing something like that.

"I am not you. I am not the one who went and screwed the first person that shows them a little bit of attention. Yes, I get you are a man with needs but the bet is still on and the month isn't over yet and you promised you would stay loyal. But the moment I turned my back, you had you tongue down another girl's throat." I raised my voice a bit at the end.

It is undeniable that the both of us have totally lost our cools by now.

"Yeah well I can't wait for this fucken month to be over with. So I can be done with this shit. And don't try to tell me what I can and cannot do. You mean nothing to me. You were just a bet." He says.

The moment those words left his mouth, my broken heart, broke even more. I stare at him, my face blank of emotion or feelings.

"Atleast now I know what you truly feel. Nothing but a bet." I don't give him time to reply as I climb out of the car and head to class.

Nothing but a bet.


The rest of the day went by uneventful. The bell rang for lunch time. And seeing as I didn't pack anything for lunch today, I don't have a choice but to go buy me lunch in the cafeteria.

Joy.... note the sarcasm.

As I walk into the cafeteria, I hear the normal buzz of everyone talking and cutlery clinking as people eat.

As I look around. Some how my eyes land on the table that Bennett always use to sit at with his friends.

What I see makes my heart stop and tears spring to my eyes.

There Bennett is sitting with a girl on his lap making out, like the world cant see them.

I guess now I really know what he thinks about me.

I turn around immediately and walk out of the cafeteria and straight out of the school gates.

I guess I was just a bet all along.

Tears are streaming down my cheeks and I feel my headache intensifying. As I am walking along the streets people are staring at me in worry.

Which is odd because my parent nor Bennett even cares about me enough to worry about me.

I start feeling dizzy and start swaying. But I keep on walking like some drunk person. I start seeing blank dots in my vision until the pain in my head intensifies so much, that I feel like I am falling.

And then all that I see is black.

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