Chapter 3

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Caitlin's POV

The day has been fairly ordinary. Nothing interesting had happened so far yet. It is currently lunch time and I am making my way to the exit at the back of the school. I never eat in the cafeteria because it very crowded and me not  having friends, sitting there all alone would just be asking to be bullied.

I love the quietness and solitude of being alone, at my favorite tree, eating my lunch. The noise doesn't help with my situation so the tree is the perfect place for me.

I open the doors of the back exit and get the shock of my life. Outside, standing against the railing of the stairs, is none other than the bad boy Bennet Wallace, with a cigarette in his mouth.

 Outside, standing against the railing of the stairs, is none other than the bad boy Bennet Wallace, with a cigarette in his mouth

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He looks up, probably because of the door shutting behind me. It made me jump a little. I look at him, and see that he has killed the cigarette. He gives me a million dollar smile, that would make any girls legs jello.

I look around me, thinking that maybe he is smiling at someone else, but I see no one besides the two of us. I turn back around to him, only to be met by a smirking Bennet. Who also happens to be standing two feet away from. I take in his features. Strong jaw line. Golden blond hair slightly falling to the side of his face. His beautiful blue eyes. His red, plum lips. Wait... why am I thinking about his lips?

I need to snap out of this. He is about to open his mouth to speak but I cut him off. "NO." I say holding my hand up in a gesture for him to stop. He seems taken aback by my action and it gives me a moment to try and side step him. Like I said TRY... I feel him grab onto my arm and his hand is so nice and warm and soft. It gives me goosebumps. A pleasurable chill runs thru my body which causes me to instantly bite my bottom lip.

I turn my head to him, giving him a questionable look, gesturing for him to continue.

"Do you have a moment, princess? There is something I would like to talk to you about."

"No. I will not have sex with you Bennet. If that is what you want to talk to me about." I say bluntly. To test the waters, I put on an innocent smile, for the hell of it.

He tilts his head to the left, looking like he is in deep thought. "Don't think that hard monkey. It looks like its hurting your brain." I say moving my one hand to his face and start rubbing the creases between his eyes. So I decided to add "And don't frown like that. You will get wrinkles." I say dropping my hand to my sides again. "You can follow me, if you still want to have that talk."

I start walking off. I am a few feet away from the tree. I turn around to see if he followed me. But he is just standing there, staring at me, deep in thought and looked like he was dumbstruck. "Are you coming or what? I am actually very hungry and that rarely happens." because it does rarely happen. He finally came to his senses and starting walking over to me as I sit down at the tree. "You may have a seat." 

He looks cautious at first but eventually sat down.

"Where do I get started?"

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