Chapter 14- Day 7 part 2

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Bennetts POV

I was still a bit confused as what was happening. Caitlyn called my parents best friends mom and dad.

As far as I know, they don't have any children. They have been friends with my parents for two years already.

We are all currently sitting around the table. My parents at the heads of the table, myself and Caitlin on one side and 'her parents' on the other.

I grab Caitlins hand under the table and give it a little squeeze. Jeez she is freezing. While our parents is locked in a conversation, I move myself closer to Caitlin in hopes my body heat will help her get warm. I wrap one arm around her shoulder.

"Are you okay? You are freezing." I whisper in her ear.

She turns to me and gives me a smile that doesn't reach her eyes making me frown. She nods yes.

I have had enough. "I think it is time we address the elephant in the room." I say loud enough for everyone to hear while I turn my face to Caitlins parents. "Why did u lie about not having any children?"

"Bennet that is none of our business." My dad states. I can feel myself getting angry. I feel Caitlin place her other hand on top of mine and lean her head of my shoulder. She is looking a bit paler than earlier.

"It is my business when it concerns my girlfriend. She is clearly shaken up.."

"Bennet it's fine. It's not the first time. And plus they aren't my parents anymore anyway. So please relax." Caitlin says cupping my cheeks with both her hands. I immediately relax under her touch. Damn it.

"Does he know?" Her mother finally ask. Do I know what?

"No! And he wont need to anyway."

"Tell me what? Caitlin?"

"Its fi..." she trails off and holds her hand to her nose but I already saw a drop of blood coming out.

I immediately jump up and everyone else follows. I grab a napkin and hand it to her "here hold this so long against it and I will get the ice pack so long."

"Caitlin are you okay? How long has this been happening? When last have you been to the doctor?" Her dad asks coming around the table and I snap.

"Dont touch her or go near her." I grab the ice pack and move towards her wanting to pull her so we can head back to the room.

She stops and turns to her parents. "Dont pretend like you care now. You wrote me off years ago when you decided to move out of the house leaving your sick daughter to defend herself." She turns and we head for my room. Leaving both her parents and mine dumbstrucked.


We are currently laying on my bed. Caitlins nose bleed finally stopped and it didn't take her long to fall asleep after changing into her pjs.

I hear a small knock on my door and it creaking open slowly. I slide Caitlin off my chest slowly making sure she is laying properly. Before getting up completely and meeting both our parents outside the room.

"I don't want to hear anything they have to say. She is finally asleep and I would really like to get back to my sick girlfriend that needs me because I am the only person she can count on. At least she won't have nightmares while I am with her." I say looking at my parents. I can see the concern in their eyes and the pride directed at me. But right now I dont care.

"She still gets nigh..nightmares?" Her mom hiccups while crying.

"Yes she still gets nightmares but it isn't so bad when I'm with her. Sometimes she doesn't get any at all." I turn to my dad. "Dad, please. Can I bring her to the hospital tomorrow and have you look at her?"

"Yes of cause. You dont need to ask son." My dad and mom hugs me. I give a nod towards her parents. And return back to the room where my beautiful girlfriend is laying peacefully in bed sleeping.

I get in bed next to her and pull the comforter over the both of us. She automatically moves closer to me and I wrap my arms around her.

"What are you doing to me Caitlin? What are you doing to my heart?"

I give her a kiss on her forehead and give into the darkness.

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