Chapter 6

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Caitlin POV

I am currently in my doctors office. Waiting on my results. Probably more good news... Note the sarcasm.

I hate having to come to these appointments especially alone. I haven't seen my parents in over a year now. It would have been longer.

Suddenly I was brought out of my thoughts as the door opens and the doctor walks in.

"How bad is it doc?" I ask. Getting nervous.

"It seems that it is growing at a more rapid state than what we have anticipated." He says and sighs. I knew this was coming sooner or later. "I have contacted a few of my colleagues in California and send over your file. Just to see if they can't possibly do something that I can't."

"Hey doc," I say as I get up and hug him. "It isn't your fault. We knew this was coming sooner or later. I'm ready." I say giving him a reassuring smile. Honestly speaking I am ready." So how long do I have?"

"Two to three months tops. I will need to see u three times a week now." he says with a saddened face.

I nod my head at him, showing him that I understand. " I guess I will see you Monday then?" I smile at him as he nods with a small smile that doesn't reach his eyes.

I left his office.

Time to go home and have a movie and series marathon for the weekend.

I am quite excited for Monday tho. Can't wait to see what he has planned.


Bennet's POV

Hanging out with the guys tonight at the drag races and here are so many fishes waiting to be hooked but for some reason I just don't feel all that interested. 

My mind has been whole night on a certain person and it is driving me crazy. I wonder what she is doing tonight... I think I will just text her.

'Hey. What have you been up to tonight? :)'

C> 'Who are you? I don't just give out personal details to strangers nor stalkers.'

'How can your future fake boyfriend be a stalker much less a stranger?' I was smiling while writing that. I look up and see all my friends look at me weirdly. I just shrugged and turned back to my phone when I heard a beep.

C>'How did you get my number? Never mind don't even answer that. Shouldn't u be hanging out with your friends or some girl hanging on you? After all it is your last few days of freedom.😊'

Ooooooh she is good.

'I am actually out with my friends but thought I better get use to being the good and loyal boyfriend.'

C>' That's so sweet. But anyway I have to go. Got some company. See you Monday. Can't wait to see my surprise. Sweet dreams😗.'

The comment of having company over is making me see red. Who visits at 12am. Fuck... am I jealous?


Well I don't care. From Monday she is my girlfriend and I have a right to know who this company is.

I start walking to my car and one of my friends grab my arm.

"Where are u going?"

I just shrug his arm off of me and give him a look that says not to question me right now. He holds his hands up in a surrender manner and let's me leave.

I get in my car and speed off. As I'm driving I realise I don't know where she lives.

I start banging my hand on the steering wheel. Damnit... 

I drive towards my house.

Guess I will have to wait till Monday

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