Chapter 36

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I could still feel his touch all over my body. It was like a fever that wouldn't leave. Every time it ran through my mind, I found myself pressing my thighs together in an effort to calm myself. All it did was make me want him more. He knows exactly where to find me, he knows how I feel now. I just hope he sticks around.

I got out of the car in Memphis and looked up at the mansion that had been my sanctuary and prison all at the same time. Once again, I'd open those doors to an empty house only filled with The Help. Walking up the front steps, I opened the door that had already been unlocked since my arrival at the front gate.

"Wait a minute now." I heard Elvis' voice upstairs. My heart skipped a beat, he was finally home. I ran upstairs, making my way to my bedroom. Then, my heart stopped.

Coming out of my bedroom was a young girl. She had long dark hair that was heavily teased, dark makeup around her eyes and blue eyes. Her bullet bra was obviously bought a few sizes up to give the appearance of extra cleavage, her lipstick liner was thick and obvious around her lips. Her look was that of a girl who hadn't yet learned how to groom herself.

"Who are you?" I asked her with a risen brow. She was quiet, her mouth was open but she couldn't find the words. She seemed to be intimidated by me, but finally she found her courage.

"Well, I know exactly who you are." She answered with a risen brow. That still didn't answer my question. Before I could interrogate her, Elvis emerged from the bedroom. He buttoned up his shirt while standing behind the mystery girl.

"Elvis, who is this?" I asked him with more conviction.

"What?" Elvis rose my eyebrows. "Oh... it's a fan that I invited over. See, she was outside and I let her in so she could see the house. It's a pretty popular house."

"A fan." I repeated, then looked her up and down. The girl wore a grin, her high cheekbones on display. Her eyes rolled as she placed her hand on her hip, she still had the awkwardness of a teenager. "How old is she?"

"I'm a woman and I don't need to answer to you for anything." She held her head high as she stepped toward me, her hand still sitting on her hip. Elvis chuckled, then softly ushered the girl to step to the side.

"She's 18 and she's been a fan of mine for a long time." Elvis stepped in front of the girl. My eyes rose as I looked down at his pants, an erection stood high and mighty in them.

"That's nice, kid, but don't you think it's time to go home before you miss your curfew?" I popped out my hip and crossed my arms.

"I'm not a child. I'm a woman." She stepped even closer to me. She looked back at Elvis who seemed flustered, then looked me up and down. "And Elvis seems to agree too."

"Elvis... will you please get Doris Day out of our house?" I sighed, annoyed that I obviously walked in on something I shouldn't have.

"My name is Priscilla." She spat back with a stomp.

"Priscilla, why don't you head downstairs?" Elvis asked in a scolding tone, his nostrils flared. She gave me one last stare, then slowly began making her way to the steps. I watched until she was out of sight.

"Downstairs?" I softly shouted as I turned to Elvis. "How about go home?"

"Her home is pretty far away." Elvis held up his hands defensively in front of me. "She's from Germany."

"Oh please, that yankee is from the USA— don't buy that." I looked behind me at where Priscilla stood a few moments before.

"No, no, no. Her father is stationed in Germany and that's why she doesn't really have a home here." Elvis rose his shoulders. I gave him an intense stare, Elvis' eyebrows furrowed as he began to worry.

"Don't tell me that you've known her since Germany!" I whispered, but eventually I ended up screaming at him. Elvis shook as my voice unexpectedly boomed at him.

"Well, I didn't expect her to show up here." Elvis tried to explain to me. "It's funny she showed up because when I arrived here yesterday Oscar told me you flew out to LA."

Suddenly, I got silent. I flew to Los Angeles to make amends with Pam, but my conscience was heavy with memories of Ricky. "I had a reason to go to LA."

"Sure, a big reason... because you know someone in Los Angeles besides Icky Nelson." Elvis nodded his head.

"You know what, Elvis?" I told him, but I truly didn't have anything to say. He was right.

"What?" He asked, crossing his arms and shuffling the weight between his legs as he stood in front of me.

"I had a life before I met you and I had a life especially before I met Ricky." I poked Elvis. "That trip was well needed for my own personal rehabilitation."

"Personal rehabilitation?" Elvis rose his eyebrows as he leaned toward me. "You can fling around big words if you want to but you and I both know that's bullshit."

"And why is it bullshit?" I asked him angrily.

"Because don't you think it's kind of fishy you flew hours out to LA, you found yourself in the exact same city as me and you never tried to contact me." Elvis made a point. The fact that what he said made sense angered me even more.

"Oh!" I shouted out as I walked in the other direction, flinging my arms up in the air. Then, I swiftly turned back towards Elvis. "I went somewhere without constantly being concerned with what Elvis is doing! What a horrible girlfriend I am!"

"I just want to know if you saw him! Did you sleep with Rick Nelson?" Elvis shouted. I was stopped in my tracks. There I stood, without an answer. Elvis slowly walked toward me, cupping my cheek with his hand. "You did all of that and don't expect me to be upset?"

"I love you." I told him. "And you brought someone else into our house."

"I'll behave if you do." Elvis whispered down at me, swiping his thumb on my cheek. Then, he left a soft kiss in the corner of my mouth. "Come to bed." He whispered in my ear.

Then, he turned around and walked into the bedroom. I looked back at the steps where I knew a girl was waiting for Elvis. But then, I didn't care. I walked into the bedroom where Elvis stood beside the bed, unbuttoning his shirt.

After shrugging it off, he laid on the bed and sat up with his back against the headboard. His hand pushed on the bulge in his pants, I slowly crawled on my hands and knees into the bed. Without breaking eye contact, he unbuckled his belt and lowered his pants.

While in crawling position, I glimpsed down at his erection then back up at his eyes. Elvis cupped my cheek and pulled me in for a kiss. Then, he leaned into me, causing me to lie down on my back. I gasped as his hand slipped up my thigh and underneath my dress.

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