Chapter 10

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I was driven to the hotel where Ricky stayed. My pride was bothering me more than ever when I walked through our room's door. When I entered the room, Ricky laid there watching the small television rolled in front of the bed.

"Well, well, Pervy Pelvis didn't let you stay the full night?" Ricky asked with a smirk as he looked at me from the bed.

"No." I scowled at him.

"I put your name on this room just in case you wanted to drop in— you know— see if I was alive." Ricky spat at me. I rolled my eyes and set my purse on the chair to the vanity. I placed my suitcase next to the chair.

Then, I noticed it.

"Where's my bed?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"What bed?" Ricky smirked. "You were gonna stay in Graceland."

"Ricky, this isn't funny, we need to change rooms." I crossed my arms, staring at the large King sized bed he was hogging all for himself.

"I'd love to, but there's one obstacle." Ricky had his eyes glued to the tv, not even regarding me as he spoke. He still had that mischievous smirk on his face.

"And what would that be?" I asked with crossed arms.

"All of the rooms are booked." Ricky laughed. "So that means—"

"No, no, no, I don't believe this." I said in an exasperated voice. Grabbing my purse, I bursted out of the room door. Then, before reaching the end of the hall, I realized something.

I had no cash.

Walking back to the room, Ricky looked to me with a smile. "Well look who's back."

"You!" I angrily stomped toward him with a shaky finger pointed towards him. "You are going to sleep on the floor."

"Alright, I'll do that and when we return back home and Ozzie asks why I have a crick in my neck, I'll be sure to tell him his pride and joy brought us to Memphis under a false pretense." Ricky babbled as I stood inches from his face. His blue eyes stared at me, then I stared back.

"So I'll sleep on the floor." I bowed my head.

"I didn't say you had to do that." He smirked, placing in hands behind his head in a lounging position.

"This cannot be happening. I need my space, far, far away from you." I angrily insisted. Then, I looked to the floor of the hotel room and tapped my toe on it. There was an echo from my heels hitting against the tile.

Ricky looked at me with risen eyebrows as he watched me test exactly how comfortable that foot would be. I looked at the bedsheet rolled to the bottom of the bed, then grabbed it.

"Oh no, I need that for warmth. I'm sure there's a blanket in this hotel somewhere." Ricky looked around with sarcasm in his voice.

"I need something to put between me and the floor. Now give it!" I began tugging on the bed.

"Alright, while you do that, I'll just make a little phone call." Ricky turned over and picked up the rotary phone on the side table. Right when his finger pushed into the socket, I immediately jabbed my hand down to cut the line off.

His blue eyes slowly crept up my arm, over my breasts and to my face. My expression looked angry, but Ricky didn't see it that way. He took my hand that was on the phone and held it in his. Then, he slowly hung it up with his other. The only sound in the room was the buzzing bells from the hanging up of the phone.

I looked at him, noticing how much more mature he'd gotten in the past few years. His skinny body was now filled out and looked like a man. His hair was thick and darker than the sandy color it was before. His eyes suddenly seemed to be an even deeper blue than previously, as if eyes can improve. And his lips, his lips were so full.

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