Chapter 34

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Immediately I flew out to Los Angeles to be with Elvis. When I got there, he was busy on set. Nights passed and I was alone in that hotel room. I thought about the fact that I was so quick to condemn Pamela, so I decided to take a ride downtown to her house.

Knocking on her door, her mother answered. She immediately shut it in my face. A few seconds later, the door opened and Pam was on the other side.

"What do you want?" Pam asked in the doorway.

With an exhale, I shed away my pride for the girl I considered my friend. "Forgiveness. For assuming the worst about you."

"Thanks." Pam said and began closing the door. I placed my hand on it, keeping it open a crack. With a huff, Pam reopened the front door. "The only reason you assumed it was me is because I'm poor and you somehow think you're above us all."

"I do not." I defensively answered.

"Lauren, ever since the Nelsons took you under their wing and you got out of this ghetto you walked around like you were the Queen Of Sheba. You never payed any mind to us, the ones who always had your back. Then when you got lonely suddenly you felt it fit to come knocking on my door— still you had the nerve to blame me." Pamela told me off.

"I blamed you because that was the most sensible thing." I tried to tell her.

"You blamed me because I'm poor and negro and you're Miss Lauren, above all." She spat at us.

"If you're going to act this way, I guess there's no use in asking for forgiveness." I rose my head up high. I expected her to change her mood, but knowing Pamela, that wasn't the case.

"I guess not, then." She said, then slowly shut the door.

With tears, I passed my old apartment and pressed the palm of my hand to the door. Catching a taxi uptown, I went to the only other place that I may remotely be accepted.

The taxi parked in front of the large white house that sat on a hill. The grass was perfectly trimmed as usual, the trees green and lush. Making my way over to the front door, my fist hovered in the air as I pondered whether or not I should knock. Finally, I got up enough nerve to ring the doorbell.

It took a while for the door to open. My mind wandered as I tried to decided if I should really stay or run away before the door was answered. Looking at the driveway, I saw that there were no cars parked there. I wonder if anyone's home.

The door opened.

His tall structure stood in the door. He wore a blue polo shirt with eggshell colored slacks. You could see physically he has changed and gotten even more attractive. One thing never changed no matter how old he got.

His vivid blue eyes always stayed the same.

"What brings you here?" Ricky asked in a deep and questionable voice.

"I was just in town and... I decided to say hi." I smiled with a nod.

"Hi." He answered awkwardly. A strange silence fell between us, one that I was not used to.

"Would you like to come in?" Ricky rose his eyebrows. I was so thankful that he didn't hold some grudge against me.

"Sure, that would be swell." I smiled, then followed Ricky inside the house. My eyes slowly drank in the beautiful interior of the foyer and the rooms accompanying it. "This house never loses its beauty."

"It's a classic." Ricky smirked, stepping closer inside to where I stood.

"I left so long ago and it hasn't changed a bit." I squinted as I looked in awe. Then, I immediately began rushing to the library. "Where's Ozzie and Harriet?"

"They're out." Ricky spoke up. "And uh, David moved out."

"Why would he do that? He always loved being with you guys." I furrowed my eyebrows.

Ricky laughed and looked down at his white leather shoes. Then, his blue eyes look back up at me. "He got hitched."

"Married?" I asked in surprise. "Wow, well I would've never expected that."

"And why is that, now?" Ricky joked and we both laughed. Then, there was another silence between us. "How's you and Mr. Presley?"

"Great... great..." I lied, holding on tightly to my purse that was slung over my arm. Suddenly, I felt as if I couldn't breathe.

"Why don't we go inside the living room?" Ricky suggested, placing his hand near my back as he guided me. Both of us walked in there and sat on either side of the coffee table.

I looked down at my hands in my lap, they were elegantly covered in white gloves. The mascara that ran down my cheeks didn't match the perfection of my hair and tailored dressed.

"Ricky, it's been so long and... I can't remember the last time I've felt like someone needed me." I vented to him, looking as he sat back in the couch across the way. "Elvis is so amazing and he truly provides, but..."

"He's not providing everything." Ricky finished for me. I broke eye contact with him. Then, I began crying harder, placing my face in my hands.

"I'm making an embarrassment out of myself." I answered, standing up from my seat. Ricky quickly stood up and rushed over, standing next to me.

"Don't be silly." Ricky placed his hands on my shoulder. I finally gathered enough bravery to look Ricky in the eyes. "You deserve so much more, Lauren."

I swallowed. "I can't remember the last time someone held me like this."

There was a pause between us. Then, Ricky enveloped me in his arms, pressing our bodies together in an embrace. "How about like this?"

"I especially can't remember when someone held me like this." I answered, then placed my crochet glove on his bicep. "A man's embrace."

"How long has it since you've been kissed?" Ricky held my chin between his two fingers.

"Too long, Ricky." I told him, tears still in my eyes since before. Ricky slowly leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my lips. Out of an eager hunger, I deepened it, wrapping my arms under his and holding him close to me by the shoulders. Ricky lowered his lips to my neck as we stood there, kissing my neck.

He licked my earlobe. "When was the last time he fucked you?" He asked into my ear. Looking into his eyes, I knew exactly what was about to happen next.

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