Chapter 12

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"Now why would I ask for someone to watch you?" Elvis asked as he stood in front of me while I sat on his living room couch.

His stance had wide legs and he stood with confidence. Looking at me, he twisting the rings on his finger.

"You're great, but I haven't known you that long." He held his hand out.

"So if you knew me better you'd hire a private investigator to watch me?" I asked with a shock look on my face.

"No, no, no, it's not like that." Elvis defensively held up his hands. "All I'm sayin' is that you and I haven't gotten that far in whatever this is."

He believed we'd get closer? That was music to my ears.

"Well—" I sighed, then Elvis kneeled in front of me. Holding both of my hands, he lifted it to his lips and left a small kiss.

"Don't worry." Elvis reassured. "Everything is fine. You're a beautiful, young girl. I'm sure he just wanted to get his kicks out of talking to you."

"You really think so?" I asked with a grin as Elvis began leaving soft kisses all over my hands.

"I know so, baby." He mumbled in a muffled voice against the palm of my hand.

"You know, he asked about so many people. Even you... and then Ricky." I mentioned and his kissing stopped.

He looked up at me as he kneeled down there, my hands still in his. "How old was that man again, Lauren?"

"Oh, I don't know. Probably about his forties or fifties." I shrugged with a smile.

"And he asked about me, then immediately asked about Ricky?" Elvis tried to confirm.

"Yeah." I nodded with furrowed eyebrows. "Pretty strange coincidence given the circumstances."

"Coincidence?" Elvis stood up from in front of me. "Baby, there are no coincidences."

"Elvis, what are you talking about?" I sat back in my seat and crossed my legs. Elvis began to pace the room, I couldn't figure out why he was getting so bent out of shape.

"What I mean is the fact that, that man wasn't just trying to be friendly, or randy, or anything inbetween!" Elvis began to shout.

"Hey, don't blow your fuse!" I cried out defensively. "I don't even know what you're talking about." I crossed my arms.

Finally, Elvis stood in front of me. "Lauren, can't you see? You were talking to a reporter!"

"I was not." I scoffed.

"Oh, yes you were." He nodded at me.

"I was not! If I was I'd know!" I insisted while shouting back at him.

"Well, which one of us would know better, you or me?" Elvis asked. I thought for a moment, then rolled my eyes.

"I didn't mention knowing either of you... when he mentioned you two I just jetted out of there." I frowned. "But I'm sorry for putting you in that tough spot."

Elvis sat next to me and wrapped an arm around me. "You wouldn't have known."

He began rubbing his lips on my cheek and ear comfortingly. "People always think I love all that attention. Like I'm glitterati or something."

We both laughed, him chucking into he crook of my neck. After his laugh subsided, he rested his face there. Then, he left a soft kiss on that spot. His hand lifted to my face as he turned my chin toward him, then kissed me deeply on the lips. I looped my arm under his as I placed my hand on his back, tangled in his embrace.

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