Does he do this a lot?

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"Okay then haha." Niall laughed as he sat down next to Zayn.

"Are any of the other boys awake?" I asked Niall.

"Harry is waking up, I heard him. He'll probably come in here in a few minutes." Niall told me, and smiled.

"Okay." I said and smiled back.

Niall's accent was amazing, I'd never heard anything so beautiful. Of course other than One Direction's music.

 "Ughhhhh." I heard from the inside the curtain.

Yeah, good morning Harry.

Harry walked out of the curtain, in only his boxers. He stretched his arms out, his v-line showing incredibly well.

"Oh gosh." I gasped, as my eyes widened.

Niall laughed at me. "What ya smiling at?" His thick Irish accent showing.

I snapped back into reality and looked at Niall, "Uh, uh, what?" I stuttered.

"Ahahah yeah." Niall laughed , winking at me.

"Hazza, I think she likes your body!" Niall said loudly to Harry, and laughing.

I turned to Niall and gave him the, "stop it." look.

Sadly, it didn't stop him from continuing on to embarrass me.. 

"Come sit next to her, rub your body on her boy." Niall continued to joke.

"What?" Harry asked, still waking up and stretching. He made his way over to me, and sat down. Our thighs aimlessly rubbing against each other. 

I scooted over a bit, giving us some space.

Harry rubbed his eyes and looked at me. "Lookin' good in the morning Lindsay." Harry laughed, knocking our shoulders together.

"Thank you?" I said, questioningly.  I didn't know if he was being sarcastic or not. Let's just say, I've never looked good in the morning.

He was most definitely being sarcastic.


"We're almost to Florida!" I told Harry. I ruffled his messy brown mop of curls. "You should get a shower. You're hair is funky today." I giggled, finishing off ruffling his hair with a pat.

"You should take a shower too, maybe we can save some water." Harry winked. 

"Oh haha. Very clever, but no. I can wait until you're done Harold." I told Harry. I poked his shoulder, moving him out of his spot and on his way to the bathroom to shower.

"Damn that boy is something else.." Zayn said as Harry left the room. "Sorry if he's... a little ... creepy sometimes." Zayn finally got out.

"No worries. I understand, some boys have.. different minds." I giggled.

Harry quickly took his shower, and got out. 

I went in to the bathroom, and turned the shower on. I washed my hair, I washed my body, my female cleanliness routine was taken care of. Finally, after a whole night. I usually shower at nights, generally not mornings.

"Crap. I can't put these clothes back on." I sighed, as I wrapped the small pink towel around my body. It was barely covering my bum, and right above my breasts.

One slight movement and I could be showing things that I don't want to show.

I slowly made way in to the curtain and to my  suitcase. I had to be careful bending down. I didn't want Louis or Liam waking up to my bum in their face. 

How depressing would that be.

For them.

I pulled out my suitcase and plopped it down on to my bed. I rummaged through it searching for something simple, and comfy to wear. 

I put on a light purple Cami tank top, and black shorts. I slipped on a pair of small black ankle socks, and tied my hair in a bun.

"Looks good." I whispered to myself before zipping my suitcase and stuffing it under the bed. 

I put the towel in to the hamper in the bathroom.

"Done yet?" Harry called out, as I walked in.

"I guess so." He said smiling.

"Best shower ever." I giggled.

"Isn't the water so comforting?" Harry said sarcastically.

 "Yes! It's crazy!" I joked with him.

I took a seat next to Harry and started rustling his somewhat wet brown curls. 

"Your hair is so cute, I just can't stop touching it." I laughed.

Harry gave me a funny look before tickling my stomach. "Tickle tickle tickle" Harry screamed, reaching his hands out towards my stomach.

"No Harry!" I yelped, pushing his hands away and laughing.

Harry pulled his hands away. "No fun." He mumbled under his breath.

"Oh calm down." I ruffled his hair again.

"Don't think it's your fault, he's always moody in the morning." Zayn told me. He threw a small red pillow that was sitting next to him, at Harry. 

"Don't act like this Harry." Zayn insisted.

"I'm not acting like anything. You don't know me as much as you think. ZAYN." Harry said.

"Don't be grumpy and an asshole while she's here!" Zayn snapped, his face becoming slightly irritated.

"Fine!" Harry yelled. He got up and walked back in to the curtains, and I heard him slam his body down on to his bed. 

"Does he do this a lot?" I asked Zayn and Niall. 

"All the time." Niall told me.

"He's always angry and irritable in the morning. You just have to let him chill out a little, then he apologizes, you hug, and it's all better." Zayn explained, smiling reassuringly.

"How long until he's calm?" I asked, hoping it wasn't going to be too long. I liked spending time with Harry, and if I'd have to wait for hours that would suck. bad. 

"Very quick. 5 or 10 minutes possibly." Niall said, motioning his hand to 5 fingers.

"Oh good." I said smiling.

Hey guys. :) Sorry to take sooo long for an update! I have so many new classes and it's hard to keep up with everything. Updates will most likely be on weekends, so expect that. Also I will write more over this weekend. I'm only posting this because I know some people were waiting for an update, so here. :) xx

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