Chapter Thirty Four

Start from the beginning

I made an UWU face and Jungkook glared at me. "What?" He mouthed. I shrugged and walked over to his chair, sat down, and pulled out my phone. Jungkook followed me with his eyes and I found it so hard not to laugh.

"Go on, I'll wait." I mouthed, raising my eyebrows and grinning widely. Jungkook shot me another glare, then closed his eyes and nuzzled the prisoner's head. He was rocking back and forth, stroking Taehyung's hair and humming quietly.

After like, ten minutes, Jungkook shifted and laid Taehyung down. "He's finally asleep, so tell me what you want and leave. I want to sleep with him." He said. I wiggled my eyebrows. "Sounds like fun. I'm just checking in." I said. Jungkook nodded. "How's your family? I forgot to ask a while ago." I shrugged. "Same as always," I reply. Jungkook doesn't know about my family issues, either.

"Well that's good. How are you and Yoongi?"

"You know the answer."

Jungkook nodded. "You know what, I'm not tired. Let's go walk around." He said. "You seem to want to talk about things." I was silent as he rummaged through his nightstand for a pencil and paper to leave a note for Taehyung. Then we left.

We reached the subway crash site and found a clean spot on top of a few giant rocks to sit. "So what's been bothering you?" Jungkook asked me. I shook my head and shrugged. "Nothing really. Just bored out of my mind. You'd think I was a little busier."

"Are you okay with this thing going on between Yoongi and Jimin?" Jungkook asked. Of course he would ask that. He knew that Yoongi would be the source of my problems. "Yeah, I'm okay with it. I'll get over it- it's not affecting my friendship with Jimin, so I guess it's healthy." I said. "What about your fight with the man in question? I'm more worried about that."

Jungkook shrugged and shifted his eyes to the floor. "I don't know. I really want to talk to Yoongi and pretend like it didn't happen, but we both know how long he can hold a grudge. I was acting like an idiot when I yelled at him."

"You're still an idiot," I said, ruffling his hair. "But anywho, you really should talk. You know full well that he isn't going to say sorry first, so you have to approach him." I said. Jungkook nodded. "Is it safe to do that now?" I shook my head. "It is never safe. But go and try. He won't hate you. He'll just be really mad." Jungkook looked at me and nodded. "Okay, I will." He said confidently. "Let's go do it now, then."

I stood up and jumped off the rock, following Jungkook to the elevators to get to the medical wing. Once we reached Yoongi's door, I knocked softly. "Yoongi? You in there?" I asked. About a half a minute later, the door opened, revealing a tired looking Yoongi. "What do you want?" He asked. Hoseok moved so Yoongi could see me. Yoongi tensed. "Have you come to-"

"Say sorry? Yes. I can't believe I-"

"Acted like a dick an-"

"I didn't mean to yell at you, but I thought you just didn't approve of me liking the prisoner," Jungkook said. I felt awkward just standing there. Yoongi nodded. "I was yelling too and I shouldn't have been. I just felt a little put down that you didn't tell me after Hoseok knew for a while- no offense, Hoseok- and on top of that, Jimin had just woken up without memory of my confession. I was not in a good mood."

"I'm sorry," Jungkook said in a low voice, staring at the ground. Then, the most unexpected thing happened. I was not prepared for it. I didn't think anything like it would ever happen. Not in a million years.

Yoongi hugged Jungkook. No- he literally hugged Jungkook. I gasped. "Woah, Yoongi- I can't- are you-" I stuttered, half just joking around. Yoongi just ignored me, keeping a tight hold on Jungkook, who also seemed surprised at first before relaxing and hugging his hyung back.

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