51| Something New

Start from the beginning

'Of course this would happen. I didn't have any earlier or for two days for that matter.'

You didn't want to drink any blood, it disgusted you greatly. Just thinking of the sweet-tasting red liquid made your mouth subconsciously water. Shaking your head, you went back under the sheets of your sleeping bag, trying to get some sleep. You tried to ignore the urge to go to the kitchen and quench your internal thirst, groaning as you flipped to your other side to get comfortable.

"[Y/n]." someone whispered. You ignored them, closing your eyes again.

"Hey, psssst! [Y/n]!" they said again, you groaning annoyedly in reply. "What's bothering you? I can see it on your face." you sighed another time and opened your eyes, looking to the one who was speaking with you.

"What is it Eric. I'm trying to sleep." you whispered back, watching him as he looked over to your face again.

"You seem uncomfortable.. is something bothering you?" Eric softly asked. Eric's always been a quiet guy, but he can be nice and caring as well. You smiled slightly.

"I'm fine, don't worry." you assured, closing your eyes again.

Eric sighed deeply and poked your cheek. You shot your eyes open to stare at him again, wondering what he wants now. It's not that you're mad at him for bothering you, it's just you sorta hate it when people poke you sometimes. Eric smiled and pointed to the kitchen, mouthing something quietly.

"No. I don't need any, I'm fine." you said, denying the fact that he knew you needed to have some blood.

Eric frowned. "I know you need it [Y/n]. I can see it in your facial expression, please stop lying."

You felt bad for making him worry more, but wasn't he right? You needed the blood, you wanted it even though you constantly told yourself you didn't. The hunger was always there and you knew deep inside it would always be there.

"I'll go with you if you want." Eric softly smiled, sitting up and waiting for your move.

You sighed and finally sat up. "Fine. But don't think I'll like it, I never will." you mumbled as you walked past Eric, going to the kitchen quietly as to not wake Kyungsoo, Changjae or possibly the others upstairs.

Eric quickly stood up and followed you through the darkness. You opened the fridge carefully, moving some things around to find the familiar box that held what you hungered for. Seeing the see-through container in the far back as it always is, you grabbed it and shut the fridge after quietly putting the other things back in it. You opened the box and hesitantly grabbed a blood bag with the end of your fingers, carefully lifting it up and setting it on the counter, you stared at it.

"Just drink it. It won't bother me to be here, I just want you to be okay." Eric whispered as he rubbed your back comfortingly. He's way too nice, and sometimes you think you don't deserve a friend like him.

You stared at the red liquid a little more before you took in a sharp breath and grabbed it. "Just drink it." you said to yourself quietly. You placed the bag right close to your mouth, the sweet smell making you frown at yourself but you quickly replaced that with the blood bag, piercing your fangs into it. It's right there, just drink it and you would be fine. Eric simply stared at you fighting with yourself, making you feel a little nervous.

'I'm so tired of this.'

You sucked back the blood bag, drinking it at your own pace and finishing it not long after. Eric smiled at you from the side and have you a thumps up which made you slightly smile.

"Now let's go back to sleep, okay?" he said as he turned and left the kitchen, you following close behind. You both got back into your sleeping bags and closed your eyes. After a bit of waiting, you fell into dreamland.

"Who wants pancakes!" Seokjin announced, making everyone gather into the kitchen to answer. Some said yes very happily and some just nodded silently to Seokjin. He gently smiled at the 6 men and 4 children in the room.

"Pancakes it is." he said to himself and turned back to the stove, getting out the batter and doing his thing while everyone talked and some sat in the living room while waiting for the delicious food.

You seemed a little out of it today, all you could do was think endlessly about the things that bothered you, like how you were a blood-sucker.  You knew that if your brothers heard what you were thinking, they would tell you the same thing like they always do, saying things like "you should accept yourself soon, because you are what you are and there is no changing that."  It didn't anger you or upset you how they speak about this matter, but it did hurt a little.  Deep inside you knew you would have to accept yourself for who you are one day, and you're hoping it's a easy path.  You looked off to the side, noticing Namjoon and Jungkook chatting about something, and from where you stood it looked pretty interesting.  Your curiosity led you to walk up to them, stopping them mid-conversation.

"Joonie-oppa, Kookie-oppa, what are you two talking in secret for?"  you questioned, blinking at the two of them. Namjoon coughed awkwardly and looked off to the side, letting Jungkook do the talking.

The ravenette pondered a bit, looking as if he was hesitant to say. "Will you be mad?" he replied, making you confused.

"And why would I be mad?  Does this have to do with me?"  you crossed your arms over your chest as you stared at Jungkook, waiting.  The older vampire sighed, scratching his neck.

"I... have a girlfriend.  I thought you'd be mad at me since I would be spending more time with her than you... but don't worry!  I still love you very much."

'He has a girlfriend?  When has he ever been around girls?  Last I seen him with one was years ago!'

You tilted your head to the side.  "How'd you get a girlfriend?"  you asked, glancing at Namjoon. The other just simply shrugged.

Jungkook stared off to the side, like he was zoning out.  After a bit, the older vampire looked back to you, a small smile on his face.  "Well, I met her at this club I went to 3 weeks ago.  I was dancing when she suddenly approached me. I was a little hesitant to speak with her but after talking for a bit, she seemed pretty cool.  She is a vampire though, which made things way better.  When we talked, we found out we had a lot in common.  One of which knowing she's a half-blood like me and had a similar past like me.  After 3 weeks and a couple dates, we started officially dating, so now she's my girlfriend.  Her name is Kwon Yeonmi. She's a year older than me, making her 20-years-old." Jungkook seemed so happy while he talked about this girlfriend of his. He kept on smiling and laughing as he spoke about her some more, talking about some of the funny things that happened or some of the heart-warming moments he had with her. It didn't bother you a bit, you honestly felt very happy for your brother. This woman he spoke about seemed very sweet and kind. All in all a lovely lady. You wished to meet her if possible, wanting to see her in person to get a good look at her. You wanted to make sure she was the right one for your brother.

"Could I meet her someday?" you asked, a small smile on your lips. Jungkook seemed so happy, it was sorta contagious.

"Actually... yeah, you can. She's coming over here today at some point.  She was really busy with something so she didn't really give me a specific time. I hope you like her as much as I love her."

♥︎ a/n ♥︎
What do you think about Jungkook's girlfriend Yeonmi?

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