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( Chardonnay's POV )

After I had got done throwing up, I sat on the floor to catch my breath.

I got up to use the restroom, and alot of water came down soon as I pulled my pants down. Oh shit.

I fell to the floor.


"Help me!"

I screamed in pain, waiting for someone to come to my rescue.

( LaRian's POV )

Me and Alize was still arguing downstairs until we heard Chardonnay screaming for help. I looked at Alize and pushed her out my way. I made my way to where Chardonnay's voice was coming from, she was lying on the floor, I guess her water had broke.

This was my first time having a child, I was having a panic attack, I didn't know what to do.

I stood there in shock for a minute until King walked in.

"We have to get her to a hospital." Alize said.


We rushed Chardonnay to the hospital.

I called Lamar and Charisma to let them know that we were having the baby.








Chardonnay had finally had the baby, I was so happy. Even though I stressed her out before this, I was still happy that the baby was okay.

( Chardonnay's POV )

I woke up in a little bit of pain. I looked to my left to see my baby sleeping, she was so beautiful.

I looked to my right and saw LaRian. I still remember the argument that him and I had gotten in, so I'm still waiting for my apology.

"Good morning beautiful." He said.

But I just looked at him with a mean mug.

"Baby, im sorry." He said.

"For what?" I asked.

"For the little argument we had back there. I'm sorry, I'll never make you cry again." He said, rubbing my hand.

"Do you forgive me?" He asked.

I could tell he was crying because of his eyes.

"I do." I said.

He kissed me on my forehead.

( LaRian's POV )

Me, Charisma and Lamar went back to the house to let Chardonnay rest up. The doctor said that she probably had to wait a few days until she could come back home. Until then, I guess we can go see her every day until.

( Alize's POV )

I kinda feel bad about me and that argument that me and LaRian had. He still had no business talking to my Bestfriend like that. I know Chardonnay wouldn't want this, so I decided to drive up to their house and make things right.


I pulled up to the house and got out.
I knocked on the door until someone answered the door, just the person I wanted to talk to.

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