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( Alize's POV )

When Chardonnay had called me, I powered my phone off since they didn't like us to use phones during an appointment.

Hopefully, I'll make it in time. But right now, we were waiting on a doctor so come back with these results. This is the exactly reason why I hated coming to the hospital, they moved like snails.


"Ms.Alize?" The lady doctor said.

"Yes." I said, looking back at my mom and dad.

"All your test came back negative. No signs of STDs or pregnancy." She said.

"I'm gonna go get your discharge papers, and then you'll be free to go."
She said, stepping out the room again.

I powered back on my phone and texted Chardonnay that I was gonna be on the way. I also texted Lamar and told him and LaRian to meet us at the mall in 20.


( Chardonnay's POV )

I had gotten a text from Alize saying she was on the way, and that her parents were dropping her off. So I sat at the snack bar with Junebug and Lele, after they got done doing all their shopping. I told them gone head and eat, and that I was gonna order my food when Alize made it.


"Okay so?" I asked, chewing on my pizza.

"So what?" She asked.

"Don't be a dummy. What'd the doctor say?" I asked.

"Oh, they said I was pregnant." She said.

My mouth damn near fell to the floor after that one, was she serious ?

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Yeah." She said.

Then there was silence for a minute.

"Sike." She said.

"Oh my God, you play all day." I said, throwing a napkin at her.

I looked up and spotted someone I've seen before, there were a lot of people packed in the mall today, so I had to make sure that I was sure.

As they walked closer, it seemed to me  Lamar and LaRian.

I hit Alize on the arm.

"You invited them?" I asked.

"Well duh." She said.

I rolled my eyes and we scoot over to make some room for them to sit down.

"Wassup girls." Lamar asked.

"Nothing." I said, nibbling on my pizza.

"And who might these kids be?" LaRian asked, putting his arm over my shoulder.

"That's my little brother and sister." I said.

"Oh, what's y'all names?" He asked leaned towards them.

"My name June, and that's my lil sister Lele." Junebug answered, holding his chin up like a man.

I just knew when he got older that he was gonna step for his baby sister, I guess it runs in the family.

"Oh, dats what's up. I'm LaRian, but you can call me Rian." LaRian said, winking.

"Are you Char's boyfriend?" Junebug asked.

LaRian chewed on his bottom lip before answering that question.

"Well, I'm trying to be." LaRian said, looking towards me, making me blush a little.

I looked down at the floor, so he wouldn't see my face turning red.

I hope he wasn't playing with me.


( Alize's POV )

I looked over and Chardonnay and LaRian, they were too cute. Even though Chardonnay wasn't that worried bout boys, I was happy for them. She hasn't complained yet, so he much be doing something right.


"But anyways, what y'all got going this weekend?" Lamar asked.

"Oh nothing." Alize answered quickly. I'm surprised she ain't tell them about the job thing since she's been running her mouth about everything else.

"Awl, y'all should come chill with us. This time we can get out and actually do some, anything y'all want." LaRian said, eyeing me.

"We'll see, cause we might have plans." I said.

"Doing what? With other niggas?" LaRian asked.

I looked at him like he lost all his marbles, i don't know who he thought he was talking to. It's like he was acting jealous.

"No, but my mom planned us something." I said.

"Oh, okay. I understand." LaRian said.

"But aye? Y'all need a ride home or some?" Lamar asked.

"Yeah, that'll be great." Alize answered.

Hell, I was gonna say we was gonna get my mom to pick us up, what whatever floats her boat.


"So what kinda plans you and your mom got ?" LaRian asked.

"Oh, cause we may not be working at the club anymore after Friday night." I said.

"And why is that?" Lamar asked, being all nosey from the front seat.

I honestly thought that anytime Lamar would say something to me that Alize would get low-key jealous, cause she'll always roll her eyes or something. Girl bye, don't nobody want Lamar ass.

"Cause... Well um.. I don't wanna say, but just know we might be working another job. Something more appropriate." I said.

The rest of the ride was silent.


When we got to my house, I started to reach for the door but LaRian stopped me. He got out and walked all the way to my side and opened my door to let me and my brother and sister out. It wasn't necessary, but he was being a gentleman, so I respected it.

"Thank you." I said.

He hugged me as he wrapped his arms around around my waist.

He kissed me on the forehead.

"Text me." He said, getting back in the car as they pulled off.

Today was fun.


The rest of the week went by smooth and simple. Today was Friday, so they wanted to see what was up with this going away party that CeCe were throwing them tonight at the club.

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