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3 weeks later

( Chardonnay's POV )

Damn, my stomach been cramping like a MF lately. Good thing doc gave me some pills for it last week. I got out the bed and used the restroom, I be peeing a whole lot now, but I guess it was just a pregnancy thing.

( Alize's POV )

I been back at home since King left, what's the point in being around all those couples when I know I'ma feel left out.

I rolled over to my phone which was on charger, and scrolled through Facebook. I'll upload ba couple pictures of me every now and then, but I still don't be on it like that. I ignore all the thirsty guys in my inbox.

Ugh, I wish King was here with me.

I'ma just get in the shower and brush it all off.

You know I got that act right, have you home by 3, and put you straight to sleep. You know I got that love me long time, so how deep is your love? Come show me wassup. If I give it to you, promise you won't tell nobody, cause it ain't nobody business. I won't you to touch all on my spots, guarantee to make me hot, and go deep, I know you feel me.


I heard my phone ring in my room, i said fuck it and got out the shower to see who it was and it was King.

"Oh my god, hey baby. I miss you so much." I said through the phone.

"I miss you too baby. I'ma be there early tomorrow morning, and this time I'm staying for good. Have that thing nice and tight for me. Love you, I'll talk to you later." He said.

"Okay." I said, then hung up the phone.

Ohhhh shittttt..

( Chardonnay's POV )

I got a call from Alize happy ass saying that King was coming in the morning.
Oh Lord, here she go again.

Next day

( Alize's POV )

I packed up and headed to Lamar's place.

"Hey y'all." I said, walking up to the porch where LaRian and Chardonnay were sitting.

"Wassup." LaRian said.

"Hey girl." Chardonnay said, hugging me.

"So are you excited?" She asked.

"Very." I said.

She grabbed a couple of my bags, and helped me take them upstairs.

"King says he's staying for good." I said.

"Y'all moving in here?" Chardonnay asked.

"Uhh, I don't think so." I said.


I laid in the bed with my sexy lingerie on, waiting on him to get out the shower. I had my hair silk pressed, and was ready to get this over with. I haven't had nun since the first time we did it, now I was hot -N- ready like lil Ceasers.

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