Chapter Twenty Six

Start from the beginning

"I can't help you if you don't say it, so just spit it out and be done with it," Hoseok said, taking a sip out of a water bottle he brought.

"I think I'm in love with the hostage." Hoseok spat out his water and I glared at him. "Don't make fun of me," I said. "And when you said spit it out, I didn't think you literally meant spit it out. Now my shirt's wet."

"Sorry," Hoseok said. I flipped him off and continued. "I don't know why, but I think about him even when he isn't even relevant to whatever's going on. I worry about him when he's sick or scared, and I find it hard for me to restrict him from luxuries including my room and even my bed. Help me Hoseok, tell me I'm wrong, please. I haven't been able to focus on anything but him for the past week. I think I'm overreacting and saying that I'm in love is a stupid thing to say, but I've never ever felt like this and I think that it's love."

Hoseok's eyes widened little by little as I went on until he looked like he just drank a gallon at coffee after staying awake for 72 hours. "Holy shit Jungkook, what has he done to you?" Was all he could say. I shrugged helplessly. "I don't know!" I said loudly. "I need you to help me sort out my feelings."

"Dude, I'm sure you've got it bad for him. You didn't tell me you were gay."

"I didn't know."

"Well whatever that hostage did to you, I don't think there is a way out."

I hit his arm. "That's not what you're supposed to tell me!"

"Ow! What the fuck do you want me to tell you!?"

"That I'm only being soft for other reasons."

"What other reason is there?"

I bit my lip in thought. I had no idea. Hoseok rubbed his arm defensively. "He's that hostage that will help you gain war on the Hemos, right?" He asked. I nodded. Hoseok nodded. "That makes more sense. You want to return him to the Tiger Gang in perfect condition so that you can get your revenge. I know you well enough to know how much you want that."

I nodded and looked at the floor. That's what it is. I thought. Anything could go wrong, and that's why I worry. Because I want him to be a worthy trade. Hoseok continued. "But why would you worry for him being scared? I still think you actually are in love with him. Or at least like him."

"Like him?"

"Tell me. What are you thinking about right at this moment."

"I don't know. I'm confused."

"When I say this word, tell me what you think."



Sprite? Did Taehyung eat today? "What are you thinking?" Hoseok asked. I hesitated. He's going to make fun of me if I tell him. "Tell me honestly," Hoseok said as if reading my mind. I sighed. "I want to know if Taehyung ate today."

Hoseok nodded. "So, when are you going to turn the hostage in?"

"Taehyung." I corrected him. Oh shit. I thought. Oh shit oh shit oh shit. Hoseok laughed. "You are obsessed with him."

"I'm not obsessed!" I said defensively. "He's just my means to get-"

"Ignore what I said." Hoseok interrupted me. I glared at him. "You're supposed to be helping me!" I said. Hoseok shook his head. "By feeding you excuses? I don't think so. I'm telling you what I see, which will help you somehow, even though I suck at love advice."

I grinned. "Because you don't have love?" I teased, poking his side. He shook his head and cupped his face. "Nope, that is not the case."

"Oh, do tell," I said. I felt lighter than I did before. Hoseok was my best friend and I could completely toss all my responsibilities and forget the world for a conversation with him. Here, I wasn't the leader and his boss. Here, I was his friend and younger brother. Hoseok smiled. "I have my eyes on someone right now, and that's all I'm going to say." He said dreamily.

I groaned. "Pleeeeeaaaaaaseeee," I begged him. Hoseok pinched my cheek. "Aigoo you're so cute! I forgot how hard it was to keep secrets from you." He said. I blinked. "Please tell meeee," I said again. Hoseok looked down at his lap. "Nope." I sighed.

I didn't want to do this. I thought sarcastically. I flipped around and laid my head in Hoseok's lap, looking up and his face and pouting. I made the cutest face I could, curling my lower lip and widening my doe eyes. Hoseok sighed. "Seriously though. This is something I'm trying to find out myself, like you, before telling anyone else." Hoseok said.

"But can't I help you like you helped me?" I asked. Hoseok laughed. "I haven't helped you until you've marched up to the hostage and kissed him." He said.

I glared at him. "Taehyung." I said defensively. Hoseok rolled his eyes. "I get it. You're in looooooveeee," He said, tapping my nose before pushing me off his lap. "I am not!" I retorted, brushing my hands on my pants. "I just-"

"Love him."

I groaned. "I'm not getting out of this, am I?"

"Nope, and if you don't tell him before midnight tonight, I'll tell him myself."

I widened my eyes. "Hoseok you can't do that! You know very well that if that happens, I'll lose a lot. Besides, I can't give Taehyung the hope that he can escape something I can't stop from happening."

"That's just it. You can stop it from happening. Otherwise, you live through this and once it gets bad, it's over, and you'll have no regrets sending him away."

"That was literally the dumbest thing to say. That's not how it works."

"Not really. Sometimes going through with things is the best way to get around them. My mom says that if you can't walk around a river, swim right through it. It's dangerous and there's a bunch of obstacles that will get 'thrown' at you, but in the end, once you're across, there's no reason to go back or feel regret."

I shook my head. "While that is true for some cases, I'm not going to let myself fall in love with Taehyung if it's only temporary. Besides, crossing a river gets you soaking wet in the end, and with Taehyung, that's not something that will dry out easily. Know what I'm saying?"

Hoseok shook his head. "I say you give it a go. I think if you really are in love with him, then you will find any way to cancel that trade. Do you know when it is?"

"I haven't planned that yet. I'm waiting for when the time is right."

"Perfect. That time, by the way..." Hoseok said. "Doesn't exist. There will never be a right day to trade the love of your life for something you hate if that's what he will be to you then."

"Something I hate, or the love of my life?"

"That's up to you. I stand by my words. You have till midnight."

I gasped. "Wait, it's only 3:00! Why can't you give me three days like in those fairy tales?"

"Because this isn't a fairy tale, and you have every second of the rest of the day to spend time with him. Do it. Besides, if I gave you that long, you would find a loophole and it would never get done."

I grumbled and stood up. "Fuck you," I muttered.

Hoseok pouted. "Aren't you gonna stay? To spend more time with hyungie?" I shot a glare at him. "You've given me nine hours. I have to go do something stupid so I won't have to do it."

"Like what?"

"Break a leg or something?"

"Idiot. Fine. I'm gonna go visit Yoongi and Jimin. Good luck- or rather, break a leg." Hoseok said, grinning. I shot one last glare at him before walking back to the elevators with him, then parting ways. I hopped into my elevator and waved goodbye to Hoseok before the door closed and I was on my way down to my room. To Taehyung. Once I got there and the elevator doors opened to my level, I looked around the room. That's when fear struck.

Taehyung was gone. 

Where'd he go?

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