I flinched under his gaze and shut my eyes tight. Tears fell out of my eyes and I sobbed. "N-No! I-I c-ca-can't!" I said. Jungkook's voice didn't change. It stayed stern and scary. "I won't let you free until you tell me. If you refuse, I will do something worse."

I felt scared out of my mind. What's he going to do to me? I wondered, shaking uncontrollably. I wished I could just pass out again like Jungkook said I kept doing, but I couldn't. Is he going to- I shook my head, hoping he wouldn't remove the blanket and do what the Tiger gang used to do.

"You have three seconds," Jungkook said. I thought about it. Why can't I tell him? I wondered. It would be better than the alternative...


I shook my head again. "N-No-No!"


I bit my lip. If I told him, he would hate me, and I actually kind of liked his softness. It was rare, yet comforting.


"Fine! Fine, I'll tell you! Please don't do anything to me!" I shouted. Jungkook was silent. I opened one eye slowly, then the other. Jungkook looked into my eyes expectantly, waiting for my explanation. I hesitated. "Taehyung..." Jungkook said after a moment. I winced. "Why are you so scared of the Tiger gang?"

I took a deep breath. "B-B-Because th-they t-tortured m-me." I said. "Tortured you?" Jungkook repeated. I nodded. "B-But not with p-pain." I said. I shivered. "W-Well, s-so-sometimes w-with p-pa-pain."

"What did they do?"

"Th-They a-abused m-me."


"Th-They th-th-thought I w-was ju-just entertainme-ment."

"Entertainment?" Jungkook sounded slightly annoyed like he didn't like how slow I was being. He still didn't really know anything from what I said. I nodded shakily, still crying. "Th-They t-t-touched me." I stuttered. "Everywhere. B-Be-Because th-they th-th-tho-thought it w-was f-fu-fun."

"What do you mean, touched you? How?" Jungkook sounded angry. It scared me. Please don't do anything to me. I pleaded in my head. Tears coursed down my cheeks faster. "Th-They s-s-st-stripped me f-fo-for entert-tainme-ment. Th-Th-They r-raped me. F-For e-e-eight y-ye-years."

Jungkook's gaze didn't soften. He looked like he was thinking for a moment. I squirmed underneath him. "P-P-Please l-let me g-go." I begged. Jungkook blinked and let go of my wrists. He moved off the bed. "That's all you had to say." He said. "Why were you too scared to say it?"

"I-I thought you w-would throw me b-back to th-the closet prison," I admitted. Jungkook shook his head. "Why would I do that?" He asked. I just dug myself deeper under the covers. Jungkook looked at me softly again, but not with pity. Somehow that made me feel better. I didn't want his pity. I hated the looks of pity I got from the gang leader I had last. No, Jungkook looked at me with a different look. Soft, but not pitiful. Stern, but not scary. Soft and stern at the same time. A sure look that made me feel better.

"I'm not going to touch you." He said. "You're not wearing a shirt because the first time you passed out, you were burning up crazily. I didn't want you to get worse, so you needed to cool down." I blinked at his explanation. He was worried about me? I was a hostage. Merely anything. But he was worried. Maybe it's just because I am the only one who can heal Jimin. I thought. Yeah, that's it.

A few moments of silence passed between us before Jungkook finally sat down on the bed next to me. "Hey, I know you're probably still really tired, but you need to get up." He said. "We need to give you a bath. You threw up last time you were conscious, but I couldn't just bathe you myself. That's a big invasion of privacy. I did get what I could though, with a cloth." I blushed. He was polite when it came to stuff like this. I was surprised.

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