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Darkness....that was all I could see around me. My limbs felt numb when I tried to move....a sharp ringing pierced my ears....cold air gushed over my body, clothes flapping crazily as though they were caught up in a hurricane. I felt weightless as if I were floating on the edge of consciousness. Then the air changed, it grew moist and suddenly, mist began to envelope me. A brilliant streak of light flew by me, causing the hair on my arms to stand up straight, followed by a deafening roar.

Still floating, the mist began to rise. Cold droplets of water formed on my cheeks as if it fell from the, not mist....clouds.....those were clouds. Panic built rapidly within me as the severity of my situation slowly dawned on me. I wasn't floating, but falling....falling through the stormy, night's sky.

I could smell a distinct metallic scent blowing in with the wind. Another light zipped past me, this time it was uncomfortably close.

'That was lightning,' I thought, pulse rising even higher.

Desperately trying to figure out what to do in this situation, my heart began to race uncontrollably. I tried to calm myself, maybe slow my breathing a bit but to no avail. Feeling more light-headed than before, I could feel my consciousness fading. I heard a faint thud, I couldn't tell whether it was another blast of thunder or my heartbeat raging out of control. My eyelids fluttered as I felt myself passing out.


Something... Something was tickling my became unbearable as it changed from a soft ringing to a persistent, annoying blaring as though it was calling to me.

My eyes opened and I sat up abruptly, breathing heavily. Cold sweat beaded my face as I clutched my chest in an attempt to calm down. Panic slowly fading, I began to notice my surroundings through partially blurred vision, part of which being the soft bed I was on.

Looking around, I realized that I was in someone's bedroom. It was nothing fancy, just an average room. There were a few posters of what appeared to be a Rock n Roll band. By the bedside I made out an alarm clock which was the obvious source of my abrupt awakening. I sluggishly fiddled with it until I was able to find the snooze button. Replacing the alarm clock on the table, I shifted my gaze once more. I saw sunlight printing through the thin material of the curtains.

'That can't be right,' I thought, 'wasn't it just raining?'

A sharp pain ran through my head as I tried to recall vague details, 'how could there be sunlight.....the rain was falling last I was falling through the sky wasn't I? That couldn't have been a dream. It felt too real to be my imagination.' looking around once more, 'how did I get here? Where is here?'

A sick question came to my mind. The more I tried to discern the answer was the deeper the realization struck me that I didn't know, 'Who am I?'

Struggling to find an answer, a woozy feeling fell over me. The feeling intensified when I tried to recollect the simple stuff like my name or where I was from. Pushing myself to find even one memory, another sharp pain ran through my head draining me completely. Unable to support myself further, the upper half of my body slowly fell backwards, narrowly avoiding the bedhead striking my own.

Now staring up, I noticed that a large mirror was plastered to the ceiling and in it, a reflection of which I could only assume was my own staring down at me. Rubbing my eyes, I stared at a beautiful girl, her perfect body accentuated her smile and her auburn hair blended wildly with her soft brown eyes. Heart beating fast I clutched my chest was flat. That reflection couldn't be mine. Looking down at my own body, I saw my chest clearly and it was disappointing.

'Wait...then that means...'

Looking up at the mirror again, I was presented with a different appearance. This time I saw a guy, a plain guy with short, dark hair and slightly tanned skin along with dark circles under light green eyes. I could plainly see my hand clutching my chest now and I even moved a bit just to confirm that this was really me.

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