-Chapter 46

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I anxiously walked around my room as I waited for Gale to arrive. He had agreed to talk to Katniss about her feeling for me and he is supposed to be back already but he isn't.

"Sorry I'm late, the conversation took a turn" Gale came in and closed the door.

"Well, what did she say?" I asked nervously, I desperately wanted reassurance that Katniss did love me and that it wasn't all in my head.

"The walls can hear," Gale whispered, "Come we need to go outside"

I nodded and we began our walk to the sea wall where there was nobody. We took a seat and overlooked the lake.

"So what did she say?" I need answers and I needed them down.

"She said that a VERY SMALL part of her still has feeling for you BUT ITS VERY SMALL and they haven't been uncovered" I didn't know if that was a good thing. I was glad a part of her loved me but I want all of her to love me.

"Did you ask if she would take me back if something happened to Philip?" I asked, I wasn't planning anything but life might.

"I did, she said and I quote, I don't pick up the same rock twice" Gale gave me a pat on the back.

"Well that hurts" I was hurt, I needed her with me.

"She also told me that if she remarried you she would live with the fear of you leaving her cause you already did it" Gale continued, "I understand 100% where she is coming from"

"I would never again make that mistake, I love her" I defended myself.

"Why do you love her? I mean you didn't 3 years ago when you died" Gale questioned.

"Katniss is just the embodiment of beauty" I took a pause to get my words together.

"You know there is more to her than just her beauty" Gale rolled his eyes.

"Well of course, it's just that words can't express how much I love her" I defended myself again.

Gale nodded.

"You have seen Katniss and Philips relationship grow, do they really love eachother?" I knew that asking Gale would give me an unbiased answer.

"I do think they love eachother, they have done things for eachother that you only do when you're in love" Gale answered.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Well in order to get the Pipes support and married, Katniss had to humiliate herself infront of the Vatican. Trust me I know Katniss and she hates doing that, I've only seen it done twice. Once with her nobels and for her wedding" Gale told me. "Philip also gave Katniss complete control of Spain. Katniss has an equal say in Spanish politics as Pgilip. When they got married Philip made sure to let everyone know they were equal. I don't know if you been to Spain recently but their thrones are set exactly on the same level. Katniss didn't do that for him in France but hey she didnt even do it for you and she loved you so I don't hold it againt her"

I was speechless, for Philip to have set Katniss as his equal he must be so serious about his love.

"But I will say this, Katniss was definitely still thinking about you before she got married" Gale said and I looked up. "This is like top secret so don't say anything. Before Katniss asked anyone to support her wedding with Philip, she asked for your brother's permission, before asking anyone she asked them. Once they said yes Katniss confesed to me that if even one of them said no she wouldn't have married Philip"

I didn't even know what to think, Katniss is just so sweet and I'm absolute garbage for leaving her.

"Did you support their marriage?" I asked Gale.

"Yeah but I had my doubts about it" He shrugged.

"What do you mean?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Philip is a great man and I respect him like no other, but he isn't a saint and I know for a fact he hides a lot from Katniss. His marriage to her seemed weird to me, like he could of had any woman in the world, why Katniss? Why widowed Katniss? Why already mother Katniss? Why non virgin Katniss?" Gale expressed his.

"You make a good point, but what does he hide from her?" I needed something, anything.

"I can't say for sure, but one thing I will say is that I do believe in their love. You can see in their eyes how much love and admiration they have for one another, I personally wouldn't go try to steal Katniss but you do you" Gale stood up, I followed.

"I need her in my life Gale" I confessed.

Having Katniss with me has become and obsession. Everytime I see her with Philip my blood boils. I can't stand to see how he kisses her, how he sets his hands on her body, the night I almost walked in on them I couldn't help to imagine the moans and screams of pleasure she would have with me. I wanted to die When I heard her scream his name.

I was the first to ever be intimate with her, I was her first baby daddy, I was her first love, I was her first husband, I am the love of her life, Katniss has so many firsts with me.

Katniss is mine.

"And you do, you guys co parent Louis, she is the god mother of Victoria, she is your best friend. Don't lose all of that because of a need" Gale gave me a pat on the back and walked away leaving me with doubts.

I knew Philip was no saint, now I have confirmation. I known Philip his whole life and I know his deepest and darkest secrets.

I feel bad for Katniss, once I tell her a secret about her darling husband she is going to push him away. I will be there ready to comfort her in my arms.


hope you guys enjoyed our boi peeta coming back, a chapter just for him.

what do we think? any guesses?

anyways I love you,

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she is a killer queen

-e x. 

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