-Chapter 24

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schools is hard, i apoligize for the delay.

haha enjoy.


I feel like all my life and energy has been drained. I am physically and mentally exhausted.

And my son, its been hours and no one has any idea of his where abouts. Peeta and everyone are out looking. The midwifes assistant had to go to the enfermery so I am alone.

I can't just stay seated anymore, I need to feel like I am doing something to find my son.

Slowly I get up and walk to the room my son was stolen, it's so dark. The first thing I see is a blanket filled with blood from where they were done cleaing him, some water.

There is nothing on the floor. I stood there in the dark, I couldn't cry anymore. Then it hit me, the room is dark. I immediately looked up and I saw no windows.

Holy shit, I have to tell someone.

But then I remember that this was probably and inside job, only the midwifes assistants had access to this room. I kept on thinking, there is no way someone could have gotten out without being seen by Peeta and I.

The secret passages!

All through the castle there are secret doors that lead to diffrent parts of the castle. I begin to look for a way to open it and I found it, by pressing a brick on the wall.

I can't just go in there, if this was an inside job then the midwifes assistant was involved. I gather my strength and go to the enfermery through the tunnels, if I try to go out through the door they are going to stop me and put me in bed.

I know the tunnels like the back of my hand. I go inside and I soon make it to the enfermery.

I see the healer and the mifwifes assistant being treated.

"Your majesty" the healer says when he sees me, "what can I help my queen with?"

"Im here to talk to the boy" I said and I stood over him, he was laying down.

"Yes your majesty?" The man said.

"What happened to my son?" I asked hoping he would tell me.

"I don't know your majesty, I was attacked, they took the child and jump out the window" the man said.

"Yeah well you see, there are things I'm not buying. That room doesn't have any windows. Now tell me who took my son and where?" I asked calmly yet forcefully.

"I don't know your majesty" the man said, I saw the knife the healer had removed from his shoulder was next to me. In one quick motion I ficked up the knife and had it up to his throat.

"I am going to repeat myself and I expect an answer. My son, who took him and where?" I said staring him down. He didn't say anything. "Begin talking and maybe I'll have mercy on you"

The man looked at me.

"It was Navir he payed me to hand him the child. He went through the passage then. He plans to take your child and raise it as his own with his wife since they can't have heirs. Please your majesty, don't harm me"

Navir, the prince of Sweden. This is war.

"Where are they staying?" I asked still with the knife positioned.

"There is a storm coming he said if any complications arouse he wpuld stay in a whore house in San Francis Villiage" the man said.

"Which house?" I asked.

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