-Chapter 34

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"Well I have to talk good about the wedding, I mean I was the bride"

I felt as if my heart had been ripped out of my chest and stomped on the ground.

"Pardon me?" As I said that my voice cracked.

"It's me, I married Philip" Katniss smiled sadly at me.

"Oh" I said in a low voice.

How could he do that?

How could she do that?

Why would he do that?

Why would she do that?

"Katniss" Jo came in again.

Katniss looked up.

"Louis woke up already" She informed me.

Oh my little prince. I missed him so much. 

"Jo can you make sure no one is in his room, I'm sure Peeta would like to see him" Katniss told Jo and she nodded leaving the room.

"Thank you Katniss" I told her and she nodded.

We stood up and went through the secret tunnels. The way there was quiet. There was an awkward tention between us, I could feel it.

Once we got to the door that lead to Louis room Katniss went into the room alone to make sure no one was there.

"MAMA" I heare my little one say and my heart melted. I couldn't wait to see him.

"Good moring my sweet prince" Katniss spoke and she sounded so happy.

I thought it was safe to come out so I did. I waited by the door until Katniss said it was okay.

"Honey do you remember that a very long ago I told you Papa had gone on a trip. I always tell you stories about him" I saw Katniss pick up our little man, except he wasn't little anymore, he was like half of Katniss size.

Louis shook his head yes. I was so happy Katniss talked about me to him even though I was dead.

"Papa returned honey. He is here" Katniss turned around and walked over to me.

My little boy had grown so much, it made me want to cry, I had missed so much of his life.

"Hello my prince" I smiled at him. He was almost a replica of me except with Katniss hair.

Louis burried his neck in Katniss neck.

"Come on baby, say hi to papa" Katniss told him.

"I want papi" He whispered.

"Louis, this is your father" Katniss told him. He looked up and waved at me. I extended my arms to carry me but he refused.

My heart was broken, I been away so much he doesn't remember me.

"Go tell Papi to get you dressed" Katniss sat him down and he ran outside.

I watched him run and a tear left my eyes.

"You can't blame him Peeta, you been away for so long it's natural he doesn't remember. But you just have to spend more time with him" Katniss reassured me.

"Who's Papi?" I asked, I knew the answer even though I wamted to deny it.

"Philip" Katniss said.

"You allowed him to replace me" I was betrayed and heartbroken.

"Never, if there is one person who has kept you memory alive it's me. I would never allow that, I tell him stories about you every day so he doesn't forget, I show him paintings, I show him your hand writing, I show him letters. Philip was there from the moment you left him, of course Louis grew attached, ever since he was 3 Philip has been his father figure, he is turing 6 in a couple weeks. That's half of his life"

Katniss said and I felt it. I knew she would never allow Philip to replace me but the words had left my mouth. If anything this is my fault I was the one that left.

"I know, I'm sorry Katniss, I never meant to suggest that" I apoligized.

We went back into my room hidden in Jo's room.

"So where exacly is Delly now that you are here?" Katniss asked.

"I'm not sure, we went our seperate ways" I shrugged, I didn't care about her anymore. All I wanted was Katniss.

"Katniss, my love" A voice was heard.

"Yes Philip" Katniss replied.

Philip then emerged from the doorway.

He was paralyzed as he saw me.

"How in the world? What type of satanic ritual?" He said and I laughed.

"Good to see you haven't changed Philip" I said and he looked at me still shocked.

"I wish I could say the same but I don't know since you been dead for the past 2 years" He said and I nodded.

"Let's sit down" When we sat down. Katniss sat next to Philip, Katniss was holding onto his hand and his hand rested between Katniss legs.

"Well I guess we need an explanation"

So I told the story again, Philip was kind of mad.

"First of all that was a bullshit plan" I can see why the married eachother. "But then again, you do you"

Katniss nudged him.

"So what story are you going to tell everyone?" Philip asked me.

"What I just said" I was tired of lying.

"You can't do that" Philip stood up suddenly.

"Why?" I asked.

"People will think bad of Katniss" Was his answer.

"Philip-" Katniss jumped in but he stopped her.

"No Katniss, it is my job to defend your honor" He looked back at me.

"You can't do that" he stated again firmly.

"Fine I can come up with something else" I didn't want to lie but I also didn't want to argue.

"We are having a ball tomorrow to celebrate our return to France, please have a story by then" Philip demanded, I nodded.

I wasn't in a place to fight.

"Come on my queen let's go get eat" Philip offered his hand to Katniss and she took it.

"I'll come back in to check on you," she smiled at me. "Hopefully I'll bring Lou is"

I was happy cause Katniss seemed to be okay with this and that was all I wanted.

Now all I needed was to take her back from my old friend Philip.


but for the real tea, will he get her back?

anways i love you,

please vote comment

will you do anything for me?

-e x.

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