-Chapter 22

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a quick authors note,( in case you didn't read the authors note in the previws chapter ) this chpater is going to be diffrent because i will be telling a story for each of the nine months of katniss pregnancy, next chapter will be the birth.

thats all, enjoy.

-e x.


Month One: A Doubt (KATNISS POV)

I been feeling extremly tired for a couple days, there are days where getting out of bed seem impossible, today was one of those days.

"Peeta honey, can you please go to the meeting with my advisors I don't feel physically ready" I told Peeta while we were still in bed.

"Of course honey" Peeta kisses my forehead and got up to get dressed.

"Thank you" I smiled at him once he was ready he gave me a kiss and proceed to go to the meeting. I was about to lay back down but I felt so nauseous I threw up in a bucket.

"Good morning Katniss" My ladies came into the room.

"It's not a good morning, I am so tired all I want to do is sleep" I told them.

"Are you okay should we call the healer?" Glimmer asked concerned, I rolled my eyes.

"Of course I'm okay, I just feel tired goddamit" I snapped, she looked taken back, I never speak to my ladies like that. "I'm sorry, I'm fine I am just a little bit tired can you guys come back later"

"It's okay Katniss and of course we can" Glimmer said.

"Can you please have someone bring me my breakfast and send a maid please" I told them, they bowed and left.

I went back to bed and just layed there for about 3 minutes cause then I had to pee. After I had breakfast and the maid came I had to pee again.

"Are you ready now Katniss?" My ladies came in. I'm still tired but I nodded.

The headed to the closet to pick up my outfit, they put the bottom skirt on me along with my corset. It felt more uncomfortable than usual, it felt tighter all around. I looked at myself in the mirror and I realized my breast were about to explote out of the corset.

"I don't think this is going to work" I turned around and the girls saw how my corset fit.

"That's weird, this is usually the corset you use but don't worry I'll go get another one" Glimmer said and went back to my closet and grabbed a slightly bigger one.

After she put it on I felt so much better.

"Thank you girls" I said they nodded and left.

I didn't think much of anything my corset probably shrunk when they washed it.

Month Two: A Realisation (KATNISS)

"So Katniss we were talking about asking you some questions and having the messangers sent it out to the villages" Haymich told me.

"Yeah sure" I said.

"What are you going to do about the recent complains of your starving people?" Haymich asked and the man next to us wrote down every word.

"I think that it's pretty unfortunate what happened to Lord's..." I began but stopped I couldn't remeber the name of the Lord to save my life. "It's unfortunate that Lord..." I stopped again and I couldn't remember.

"Marguaritee" Haymich coughed.

"Oh yes. It's unfortune what happened to Lord Marguaritee's crop but for now the best we can do is that the other lords will be sharing their extra crops to the villages in need until Lord Marguaritee can start meeting his quotas again" I finally get it right.

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