-Chapter 23

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Katniss POV

Me and Peeta were sitting on the throne room welcoming back Lord Marguaritee.

"We are so glad you are back here in court Lord Marguaritee" Peeta spoke.

"Thank you your majesty, without the help of the crown I would have never been able to get everything back on track" Lord Marguaritee and his wife bowed.

"To thank you for your generosity my wife has been knitting blankets for the prince or princess, we how he or she enjoys them" Lady Marguaritee brought over 5 blankets.

"We are sure he or she will love they, they are so lovely. Thank you Lady Marguaritee" I smiled taking the blankets.

As I set the blankets onto my lap I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. It went away fast so I didn't think of it. After Lord and Lady Marguaritee left, Peeta went to check up on the army, I went on to spend my day with my ladies.

It was now nightime and Peeta and I were laying in bed, Peeta was talking to our child like he does everynight. All throughout today I had sharp pain in my stomach, I just hope I'll be able to sleep tonight. I didn't tell anyone cause I don't want to cause a big deal. If I were to go into labor a chaos will break. I can't go into labor because the Prince of Sweden, Navir is visiting us. Also our families arrive next week, along with Philip and Gale. I can't go into labor without my mother.

"Goodnight my love" Peeta pecked my lips once he was done talking to the baby. "Love you"

"Goodnight love, love you too" I said and we went to sleep.

The pains didn't keep me up to much, until I felt a very bad pain, it felt like a shock but it lasted longer than all the other pains I felt today. I passed if off and layed back down, a couple minutes later I felt it again. I stood up to grab some food, after eating the pain didn't go away. So I began reading a bool my mother wrote hoping it would distract me from the pain. I was on the chapters she wrote about her pregnancy when she was pregnant with me.

I stood up to walk around while I read when I feel water running down my legs. It's probabaly pee, I been peeing a lot.

I put the book down and looked at the liquid and it's not pee.

Holy fuck I'm in labor.

I didn't have time to process that because a sharp pain caused me to hold my stomach and whimper in pain. Once the pain was gone I went up to Peeta.

I tried to shake him awake.

"Peeta" I said.

"Peeta" I said again.

"Peeta" I said once again. The pain strucked me once again

"Listen bitch I THINK I'M IN LABOR" I hit him in the ribs through my pain.

"What?" Peeta mumbled.

"I said that if you don't wake the fuck up I am going to go ahead and have this baby without you. CAUSE I'M IN LABOR" Peeta's eyes shot open and he immediety stood up.

"OH MY CHRIST KATNISS WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO?!" He said and I glared at him.

"FUCK" The pain hit me once again causing me to scream.

"OH SHIT" Peeta realized my pain and picked me up bridal style. I was clenching my teeth in pain. Peeta rushed out.

"THE QUEEN IS IN LABOR" He yelled as soon as he pushed the door open.

The guards immediety started yelling.

"THE QUEEN IS IN LABOR" They yelled.

"This is cute and all but IM IN PAIN SO SOMEONE PLEASE GET THE FUCKING MIDWIFE" I said then I yelled. By this point a couple of guards surrounded us, while Carlos was getting the midwife.

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