-Chapter 43

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Same Night


"I'm really happy for Peeta" I said as I layed in Philips chest and he strokes the side of my arm.

"So am I, this is what he needs" Philip told me.

"Are things okay now with both of you?" I placed my hand on his chest.

"Yeah we apologized and things are good" I knew there was something he wasn't telling me but I only nodded.

"Seeing Victoria today made me really excited for our little one" He said with a smile.

"Same, I missed the feeling of taking care of a baby as weird as it sounds, but Louis he is getting so big and I feelt like sooner or later he isn't going to want to hug me or kiss my cheek and I just want him to stop growing" I wiped away the tears from my eyes. When I though about my baby boy growing it just made me so sad to think that one day he won't want any affection from me.

"Don't cry darling" Philip kissed my forehead and gave me a slight squeeze, "Louis won't ever stop wanting to hang out with you, he loves you to death and the bond you guys share is so strong. He is definitely a mama's boy, like even when he had kids of his own, if he ever has kids, he will still always come back to his mommy"

"I guess so" I didn't know what else to say except that I am really emotional about this topic.

We remained quiet for a couple seconds.

"They asked me to be the godmother" I felt Philip tense a little but he quickly let go.

"Why?" He asked.

"I'm not sure they just asked me if I could and I said yes" I shrugged, I saw nothing wrong with it.

"Why?" He asked again.

"You know I couldn't deny" I got him there since it's pretty much a rule that if someone asks you to be a godparent you can't deny.

"I guess you're right" I could sense he still was uneasy.

"Tell me if something is bothering you" I lifted my head and looked at him.

"I just feel like they are all now trying to use you and I'm not okay with it" He stroked my hair.

"Is this about money or something else?" I questioned because money seemed to be what he was referring to.

"A bit of both I guess" He smiled.

"Tell me what's troubling you" I placed my hand on top of his.

"Peeta made it very clear yesterday he has ever intention of trying to get you back" He said and I opened my mouth, "That doesn't bother me because I know that your loyalty lies with me, just like mine with you"

He planted a kiss on my forehead.

"If it doesn't bother you, why are you bring it up?" I pulled away.

"You're my wife and this are the things I should share with you" He says and I nod.

"Thank you for telling me my love, but like you said my loyalty is to you" I kissed him.

"I love you" he said before continuing our kiss, I didn't say anything I just let it continue.

The following week

"Thank you girls" I dissmissed my ladies after I was ready, they curtsy and leave the room.

"Well don't you look stunning" Philip walked in as I got my earring in.

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