-Chapter 4

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As I step into the throne room looking for no one in specific I notice the amount of people here, mostly young girls, young men and some nobles.

I spot Katniss sitting in her throne talking to a handsome young man about her age. I walk up to them, the guy then kisses Katniss hand and retires.

"Why is there so many people in here?" I ask her in a whisper.

"I call them The Mistress Games, every year this week nobles bring their younger relatives in hopes that my father would pick a mistress. Its been 20 years and he has never pick one, yet they won't lose hope" Katniss says with pride that her parents love each other. I don't relate though my dad has had 3 mistresses.

"Well it seems like this year it's also the husband games" I joke.

"Ugh, don't remind me. I been Queen for 2 weeks and people already want me to hand over my power to a man. Bullshit" Katniss rolls her eyes. "It's also exhausting having to smile 24/7"

She puts on a fake smile and we both laugh.

"Well have you meet any possible suitors?" I raise an eyebrow.

"One, but who knows there are some pretty sexy man in here maybe I'll have some fun" She laughs and I do too.

Suddenly our laughter is interrupted by a trumpet, an entrance I haven't heard since I was 14. Katniss and I both stop laughing and look ahead a path has cleared and a man my age appears, a gorgeous man I might add.

Katniss stands up, murmurs something and then runs to him. He has a perfect white smile and he looks so happy.

Then it hits me...



Damn! Time served him well.

After Katniss and Philips hug, Katniss demands that the throne room is empty which happens quickly.

"Your back!" Katniss says.

"I'm back" Philip replies with as much enthusiasm.

Then they hug again.

"Philip your not going to believe, look who is here" Katniss then takes him to where I am standing.

"Peeta, man is that you?!" Philip asks, I nod and get closer to him.

"I haven't seen you since years ago. How are you and your brothers?" Philip asks.

"We are all great, thanks and yourself?" I ask him in return.

"Never been better" then we stand there quietly nit knowing what to do.

"You can hug you know, there is no one here that will judge" Katniss says.

And we do we hug, this man was my best friend, we were inseparable, we were partners in crime, together to the end.

After we break the hug, Katniss speaks.

"We must all catch up, and I know just how to do it. I unfortunately can't join you now. Meet me in the edge of the river in about 1 hour and 30 minutes. Bring Gale with you" Katniss says.

"Wait he is here?" Philip is confused.

"Philip sweeties you missed lots, all of Peeta's brothers are here, and we are throwing party tonight" Katniss then runs off into the hallway.

"Why is she like this?" Philip asks and we laugh.

Katniss POV

"Erwin, Carlos, I want no disturbances. Please don't allow anyone in if they have a serious problem I'll deal with it tomorrow" I tell the 2 guards that stand outside my door.

She Reign Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ