-Chapter 40

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thanks for 3k my dudes, i hope you all are enjoying the story, i love yall

above are 2 super cute everlark pictures as a 3k surprise. and also to remaind yall that there could still be hope lol.


I had gone into bed and layed awake. I could normally sleep without Philip but today I couldn't.

It was pretty late when he finally walked into our room. He layed in bed not facing me.

"Goodnight my love" I kissed his shoulder.

"Goodnight my queen, love you" He said.

"Love you too" I smiled. Even if Philip is mad at me he still always says I love you when we sleep. I'm not sure why but it's adorable.

With that I was able to go sleep.

The next day I awoke to a tea in my side table.

I stood up and sat on our bed. I wanted to have a relaxing day today, the pregnancy is starting to kick in and I'm getting tired very easily.

I slowly drank my tea until I felt a kick in my stomach.

"Oh my God" I exclaimed, I had completely forgotten about this feeling.

I lifted up my dress and the baby was moving.  It wasn't anything to extreme but it was definitely in there.

I felt such a happiness overcome me.

"Philip" I said, I knew he was awake, he brought me the tea, but he doesn't want to admit it. He is probably still made at me.

"I know you don't want to talk to me and that's fine, take all the time you need honey, but can you please give me your hand" I said, his eyes were still closed and he remained quiet but he did extend his arm to me.

I placed his hand on my belly, so he would feel the baby move.

He seemed curious so he opened his eyes.

Soon his eyes filled with tears as he felt our baby.

"It's so beautiful" he said placing his other hand.

I carefully layed down and he layed his head on my belly. The baby was moving a lot and Philip was mesmerized.

"Hi my love, it feels as if you are doing really well in there. Sigue creciendo y tomate el tiempo que nesesites que mamá y papá te vamos a estar esperando. Te amo luz de mi vida" Philip kissed my belly three times. (Keep growing and take as mucb times as you need, mom and dad will be waiting for you. I love you light of my life)

"That was the most magical thing I have ever felt, truly WOW!" he couldn't stop smiling.

I stroked his cheek gently, placing my hand on his beard.

"I'm sorry about yesterday" I said. "Do you want to talk about it?"

He nodded, "I just felt a little betrayed cause you took his side honestly"

"I didn't take his side, I simply told you to stop saying he didn't matter. In fact I told him that Delly couldn't stay here, they are moving the the chateau a mile away from here that I gifted to Peeta on our wedding day" I explained it all.

"I think you went a little soft on him" He said.

"I will always have a soft spot for Peeta, he was my first love and is the father of my child" I told him the truth. "But honestly I felt like I didnt. If anything I just stopped you from further insulting him"

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