-Chapter 26

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Two Years Later

Two Years Later

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I stood infront of Louis room waiting for Peeta but he was nowhere tk be found.

I just got of a meeting with my advisors that took all morning but now its time for us to go on our daily walk with Louis.

We have been doing this for the past 2 years everday without missing one because we want Louis growing up seeing both of us. Sometimes with our schedules its hard but that's why we made an agreement that we would always wake him up, put him to bed, go on a walk all of us together where we have lunch. On top of that I always make sure to come and play with him everday, he is still small so I take him to my office with me and he just hangs out with me.

Peeta has been acting weird for the past 2 months, we hardly see eachother and if we do Louis is always with us. 

But its fine it has happened before when I first gave birth. Peeta was the one running everything so he tried to spend as much time with me but the schedule was tight and I understood.

I began walking to Peeta's office where I knew he would be.

Once I got to the doord the guards bowed but they didn't open the door.

"His majesty has requested not ti be disturbed my queen" One of the guards says.

"It doesn't matter, please open the door" I told them, they nodded and opened the doors for me.

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